Rake tasks to easy-peasy branch a database in your Rails project.
The tasks basically implement the commands describe here:
See the above link for further information about the branching problem and the way it works.
Git as version control system
MySQL as database
Rails (this gem works only inside a Rails project)
Add the gem to your bundler Gemfile:
# Gemfile ... group :development do ... gem 'tb_branch_db' end
And run:
$ bundle install
First update your config/database.yml to allow branching:
$ rake db:branch:setup
This will update database.yml like so:
# config/database.yml <% # http://mislav.uniqpath.com/rails/branching-the-database-along-with-your-code/ branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null`.chomp.sub('refs/heads/', '') suffix = `git config --bool branch.#{branch}.database`.chomp == 'true' ? "_#{branch}" : "" %> development: ... database: onappto_development<%= suffix %> ...
A backup of the original database.yml is saved to config/database.yml.orig.
Then create a branch (a clone) of your master database:
$ rake db:branch
This will first create an entry in the .git/config and then clones the master database.
# example output git config --bool branch.BRANCH.database true rake db:create mysqldump -u root foo_development | mysql -u root foo_development_BRANCH
If you want to cleanup the branch run:
$ rake db:branch:cleanup # example output git config --bool branch.BRANCH.database false mysql -u root -e 'drop database onappto_development_BRANCH'
Mislav Marohnić (mislav.uniqpath.com/)