A very simple package that helps when dealing with Windows timezones and mapping them to standard timezones.
I created this package to handle times that were sent back from a web service that were sent with details of the Windows timezone to which they were tied. In order to make the time usable in Go, I created this little package to allow me to convert an inbound Windows time into a propert time.
The list is also inspired by the Microsoft Graph API and as of 21st of May 2019 is compatible to all outlookUser supportedTimeZones
The program is as of 07/2021 developed with Visual Studio Code and several plugins. For enhanced compatibility and easier upgrading, golang is not installed locally anymore, but instead used via a docker container. Therefore the following may be installed on the development machine to develop without a local golang installation:
- Docker Engine
- Visual Studio Code with the following plugins:
The docker container used always uses the latest version of golang.
The list is also inspired by the Microsoft Graph API and as of 21st of July 2021 is compatible to all outlookUser supportedTimeZones