This little script takes some exported CLUE sessions (aka provenance graphs) and imports them programmatically and takes a screenshot of every step/state in the session.
The tool iterates over all JSON files found in the sessions directory. The captured screenshots are then stored in the screenshots directory.
The script uses puppeteer to launch a headless Chromium browser and navigates to the app. Currently, the script is customized to the Vega Gapminder app, but can be easily adapted for other CLUE applications.
- Node.js >= v12
git clone
npm install
-> can take a few minutes as it downloads the headless Chromium (~120 MB)- Copy all session JSON files into session directory
npm start
- Find the captured screenshots for each session in the screenshots directory
Change the URL to the app and the pathes to the local directories can be changed in the index.js file.
Chromium does not work in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) due to missing graphical output. Please setup this repository directly on a native Windows or Linux.