The Micro Platform is a cloud platform for API development or better known as Micro as a Service.
This repo serves as infrastructure automation for the Micro Platform. It bootstraps Micro on to any cloud using Pulumi, Kubernetes and related open source distributed systems infrastructure. The defaults are set to run on DigitalOcean with potential for Google Cloud and other providers also built in.
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -subj "/CN=m3o" -days 3650 -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca -out ca.crt -config /usr/local/etc/
cat ca.key | pulumi config set m3o:ca-key --secret
cat ca.crt | pulumi config set m3o:ca-crt --secret
rm ca.key ca.crt
TODO: Document these steps
pulumi config set google_oauth_client_id [value] --secret
pulumi config set google_oauth_secret_id [value] --secret
pulumi up
To start up a cluster without the monitoring etc we have stripped down file (index.minimal.ts
) with just the important stuff rather than the default index.ts
. We should also dial down the size of the nodes to something cheap like s-2vcpu-4gb
cp index.minimal.ts index.ts
pulumi config set digitalocean:node_slug "s-2vcpu-4gb"
pulumi up
Download the kubeconfig and then set the API and Proxy DNS records to the values from: `kubectl get ingress`.
Set the wildcard DNS record to the IP from Tailscale. TODO: Document this step more.
password=$(pulumi config get analytics_db_password)
postgres="host=timescale.timescale user=analytics dbname=analytics sslmode=require password=$password"
micro config set analytics.postgres \$postgres
micro login --username=admin --password=micro
micro config set micro.alert.slack.token [slack api key]
micro config set micro.alert.slack.enabled true
micro config set micro.payments.stripe.api_key [stripe api key]
micro config set micro.emails.sendgrid.api_key [sendgrid api key]
micro config set micro.emails.email_from "Micro Team <[email protected]>";
micro config set micro.emails.enabled true;
micro config set micro.signup.no_payment true;
micro config set micro.signup.sendgrid.template_id d-240bf196257143569539b3b6b82127c0;
micro config set micro.signup.sendgrid.recovery_template_id d-08c2330ae2824de5b2730e49e298e97e;
micro config set micro.invite.sendgrid.invite_template_id d-2d107482af6d47f8a721315906ada753;
micro config set micro.signup.email_from "Micro Team <[email protected]>";
micro config set "api,auth,broker,config,network,proxy,registry,runtime,status,store,signup,platform,invite,customers,namespaces,emails,alert,billing";
micro config set micro.platform.resource_limits.cpu 1000
micro config set micro.platform.resource_limits.memory 1000
micro config set micro.platform.resource_requests.cpu 1000
micro config set micro.platform.resource_requests.memory 1000
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
micro run;
Go to and follow the steps on screen
kubectl exec -it cockroach-client -- ./cockroach sql --certs-dir=/certs --host=cockroach-cockroachdb.cockroach