A Minecraft: Java Edition launcher library partially made with elements from PojavLauncher.
This library was initially meant for use in QuestCraft but has turned into the perfect library for Minecraft: Java Edition launchers. This includes everything needed for a basic and (soon) even advanced MCJE launchers written in Java (or any other language with interop).
Contributions are always welcome!
Please ensure your code follows the language's naming conventions, here's a list of a few of the most common languages used in our projects:
Make sure your pull request describes exactly what the code does and explains why you're making the pull request!
@TheJudge156 | Senior Maintainer
@CADIndie | Jr. Maintainer
@MrNavaStar | Previous Main Feature Implementor
- PojavLauncher (Pojlib Base application): GNU LGPLv3.
- LightThinWrapper (Main renderer/OpenGL Driver for QuestCraft): PolyForm Shield (Must be removed from forks of Pojlib IF said fork violates the guidelines set by this components license).
- Android Support Libraries: Apache License 2.0.
- OpenJDK: GNU GPLv2 License.
- LWJGL3: BSD-3 License.
- LWJGLX (LWJGL2 API compatibility layer for LWJGL3): unknown license.
- Mesa 3D Graphics Library: MIT License.
- libepoxy: MIT License.
- bhook (Used for exit code trapping): MIT license.
- pro-grade (Java sandboxing security manager): Apache License 2.0.