- ttf-dejavu base font
- adobe-source-code-pro-fonts default Monospace font
- terminus-font for PowerArrow (Awesome WM theme)
- FiraCode VSCode font
- ttf-font-awesome glyphs
- zplug plugin manager
- Powerlevel9k theme
- Alacritty
- tdrop Quake Terminal
- fasd offers quick access to files and directories for POSIX shells
- fzy fuzzy selector
- zsh-fzy zsh plugin that uses fzy for certain fuzzy matching operations
- fd better and faster
- thefuck corrects your previous console command
- xsel shell to clipboard
- trash-cli trash functionality for cli
- direnv enviroment switcher for shell
- jq jq is like sed for JSON data
- eza better
- tldr better
- httpie better cURL
- ripgrep ripgrep
- networkmanager handle all things related to networks for both wired and wireless
- network-manager-applet useful tool to configure Network Manager
- asdf-vm generic version manager for developers
# Top terminal
tdrop -n 1 --width 100% --height 35% --post-map-hook 'wmctrl -r "Alacritty - Drop Down - Top" -b add,above,sticky' alacritty --title 'Alacritty - Drop Down - Top'
# Bottom terminal
tdrop -n 2 -y 63% --width 100% --height 35% --post-map-hook 'wmctrl -r "Alacritty - Drop Down - Bottom" -b add,above,sticky' alacritty --title 'Alacritty - Drop Down - Bottom'