Tags: theslash/CloudCore
Version 2.0.0 (Sorix#13) ## New features * Existing data will be automatically uploaded if CloudKit doesn't exists (fix Sorix#9) * Framework now handles next CloudKit errors: * `userDeletedZone`: all local cached Core Data will removed (user asked to purge data) * `zoneNotFound`: existing data will be automatically uploaded to CloudKit * `changeTokenExpired`: tokens will be reset and all data downloaded again * `isMore`: if you fetch a lot of data from Cloud, fetch requests will be divided to several ones * Sync status and errors are reported to `CloudCoreDelegate` instead of notifications, it's more Swift way. ## Improvements * Changed API calls (check changes at CloudCore), that version is not compatible with `1.x` * Numerous bug fixes (really, alpha version wasn't usable) * More clean folder structure * Documented 100% of public methods and variables. * Combined all targets to one multiplatform target. Thanks for [that guide](http://ilya.puchka.me/xcode-cross-platform-frameworks/). ## Removed * Removed Swift Package Manager support, because it doesn't well support manager for iOS & macOS applications. * Notifications removed, use delegate. ## New example application Absolutely new example application with more realistic use cases. All changes can be made by pressing *Edit* button, and it will be saved when you click *Done*.