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therubymug edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 10 revisions


by Rogelio J. Samour


Hitch allows developers to be properly credited when Pair Programming and using Git.

  • Persists pair(s) between different terminal instances.
  • Creates a unique email address for the pair. (e.g. [email protected]) This provides the ability to create a Gravatar for the pair.


  • For leela and fry to pair:
    o hitch leela fry
  • To clear pair info:
    o hitch -u
  • For a complete list of features:
    o hitch -h
  • Creating a Gravatar for your pair:
    o Once I’ve hitched with my pair. (e.g. hitch leela fry) I have now created a unique email: [email protected]
    o Then, I go to Add an image to that particular email address and I’m done.


  • gem install hitch
  • rvm users run this:
    for x in $(rvm list strings); do rvm use $x@global && gem install hitch; done
  • hitch —setup
    o this prints out the necessary shell function and aliases you need to add to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
  • Or copy/paste the following into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:
hitch() {
  command hitch "$@"
  if [[ -s "$HOME/.hitch_export_authors" ]] ; then source "$HOME/.hitch_export_authors" ; fi
alias unhitch='hitch -u'
# Uncomment to persist pair info between terminal instances
# hitch


  • Git, HighLine


  • Les Hill
  • Tim Pope
  • Stephen Caudill
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