This repo contains the source code for my bachelor thesis "Extending, Recombining and Evaluating Contraction Hierarchy based Many-to-Many Shortest Path Algorithms".
The bachelor thesis can be found here.
The code is not exactly the same as the one I used for my expermients during my bachelor thesis, as some code segments were provided to me. I have replaced these parts in order to avoid any copyright infringement.
Graphs can be preprocessed/contracted in the following way: The input file must be given in the same format as used by the DIMACS challenge ( Addtionally, contracted/exported graphs also contain an additional line that states the rank for each node id (line starts with r, an example of this can be found in the file)
let input_path = Path::new("path_to_input_file");
let output_path = Path::new("path_to_store_contracted_graph");
// load the graph data
match io::read_graph_data(&input_path) {
Some((first_edge, target_node, weights, ranks)) => {
println!("graph sucessfully loaded. num_nodes: {}, num_edges: {}", ranks.len(), target_node.len());
// remove uneccessary arcs, i.e. loops and duplicate edges or edges between same nodes with different weights
let (first_edge, target_node, weights) = remove_unecessary_arcs(&first_edge, &target_node, &weights);
let graph = GraphArray::new(first_edge, target_node, weights);
let (contraction_time, contracted_graph) = measure_time(|| {
println!("contraction done. time required: {} seconds", contraction_time.as_secs());
// unwrap the contracted graph into its components
let (contracted_first_edge, contracted_target_node, contracted_weight, contracted_rank) = contracted_graph;
// rename node ids so that each node id is equal to its rank
let num_nodes = contracted_first_edge.len() - 1;
let rank_permutation = create_rank_permutation(num_nodes, &contracted_rank);
let (contracted_first_edge, contracted_target_node, contracted_weight, contracted_rank) = apply_permutation(&rank_permutation, &contracted_first_edge, &contracted_target_node, &contracted_weight, &contracted_rank);
// store contracted/preprocessed graph, this graph contains all the required shortcut arcs to efficently calculate all shortest paths
io::export_graph_data(&output_path, contracted_first_edge, contracted_target_node, contracted_weight, contracted_rank);
None => println!("unable to read the given file!"),
In order to caluclate shortest path distances a preprocessed/contracted input graph is required
match io::read_graph_data(&input_path) {
let input_path = Path::new("path_to_preprocessed_graph");
Some((first_edge, target_node, weight, rank)) => {
println!("graph sucessfully loaded. num_nodes: {}, num_edges: {}", first_edge.len() - 1, target_node.len());
let (fwd_first_edge, fwd_target_node, fwd_weight, bwd_first_edge, bwd_source_node, bwd_weight) = create_restricted_graph(&first_edge, target_node, &weight, &rank);
let mut algorithm = SIMDRPHAST::new(&fwd_first_edge, &fwd_target_node, &fwd_weight, &bwd_first_edge, &bwd_source_node, &bwd_weight, &rank);
// generate random set of source and target nodes
let num_nodes = rank.len() as u32;
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let sources: NodeIds = (0..100).map(|_| rng.gen_range(0..num_nodes)).collect();
let targets: NodeIds = (0..100).map(|_| rng.gen_range(0..num_nodes)).collect();
algorithm.calculate(&sources, &targets);
println!("shortest path distances: {:?}", algorithm.get_distance_table().data);
None => println!("unable to read the given file!"),