A Docker image for the SWR2Downloader made by u/DerGumbi found on (German) Subreddit EinfachPosten
- SWR2Downloader by u/derGumbi
- Other software based on theniwo/gobuntu
docker run -d \
--name SWR2Downloader \
--hostname SWR2Downloader \
--restart unless-stopped \
--memory "1G" \
-e TZ=Europe/Berlin \
-p 2222:22 \
-v swr2downloader_data:/user \
-v $HOME/Downloads:/home/user/Downloads \
ssh user@localhost -p 2222
ssh user@$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' SWR2Downloader)
docker exec -it SWR2Downloader bash
just type SWR2Downloader
at any location. You can choose to download there then.
- downloading too many files at once leads to an OOM Exception due to memory leakage
- OOM Exception solved
- Graphical issues.
- Progress bars are not drawn completely to 100 %
- Filenames may not be visible.
- Possible Exception when writing to an nfs share or general shared folder binding. Needs further inspection.
- No quit or exit commands at the moment
- Now based on my other image theniwo/gobuntu
- Opted out of Microsoft .NET Telemetry
- Multi language support