This is my continued attempt at 'mushing' arduino code. This is a Tally Viewer using a M5 Atom Matrix as a TallyArbiter Client. To learn more about the Tally Arbiter project, click here.
You can buy an M5 ATOM Matrix here: OR (Shipped from USA)
This is the slower (but seems to always work) way:
- Download the .bin file here -
- Download ESPHomeFlasher here -
- Connect your M5-Atom to your computer using a USB cable
- Open ESPHome Flasher
- Select your M5-Atom (USB Serial Port) - Usually COM3
- Click Browse
- Find and Select the .bin file
- Click "Flash ESP"
- WAIT for Configuration installed! (takes about 90 seconds)
- Within 2 min on boot - get a wifi device and connect to the m5atom-XXXXX wifi network (note the XXXXXX for later)
- Wait for captive portal or goto
- Click "Setup"
- Enter Tally Arbiter Server IP Address
- Check Tally Arbiter Port is correct (Defulat 4455)
- Click Save
- Renavigate to
- Click Configure WiFi
- WAIT while is scans wifi networks
- Configure Wifi
- Wait for green tick
- Press screen (which is a button) to set the number on the local screen only
- Assign unit in Tally Arbiter under Settings > Listeners > m5Atom-XXXXXX
If you receive an error similar to ImportError: No module named serial
- What this does when used with TallyArbiter -
- Demo of the M5Atom Matrix code in this git -
- Demo running on 10 M5Atom Matrix units via a cloud server -
- Tidyed up things a little bit
- Changed the way the LED's are written to now using the M5 library
- Added Blank and 1 thru 16 camera numbers by pushing the screen (M5 Action button)
- Fixed bugs
Note if deploying yourself, one of the librarys has an error where you have to manually comment out hexdump by changing it to //hexdump
Next Update will have Internal Motion Unit functionality to automatically rotate the screen.
Thanks to mg-1999 for the code base, and huge thanks to josephdadams for his amazing work on TallyArbiter, and the origional M5StickC implementation.