This project is created using ROS Noetic and Gazebo.
Installation and Setup Step 1: Create a ROS Workspace Open a terminal and create a workspace:
bash Copy code mkdir -p ~/maze_escape_ws/src cd ~/maze_escape_ws/src Add the downloaded src file into the src directory of the workspace.
Step 2: Build the Workspace Navigate to the workspace root:
bash Copy code cd ~/maze_escape_ws Compile the workspace:
bash Copy code catkin_make Step 3: Source the Setup File Source the setup file to configure your environment:
bash Copy code source devel/setup.bash Running the Simulation Open a terminal and navigate to the workspace:
bash Copy code cd ~/maze_escape_ws Source the setup file:
bash Copy code source devel/setup.bash Launch the Gazebo simulation:
bash Copy code roslaunch maze_escape gazebo.launch The simulation will run in Gazebo, and you can control the robot using the keys specified in the terminal.