Make extension with customizable dashboard. Todos, notes, snippets, etc. integrated into development flow.
- Todoist integration in sidebar (tree view)
- get projects, sections, tasks
- complete, uncomplete tasks
- open tasks in browser
- create tasks and section in project or section
- inline edit tasks, sections, projects name
- notifications on due date of task (passed or came)
- show code lens for todos
- toggle codelens mode
- custom regex for codelens
- highlighting links from tasks content and open them in browser
- Today/Upcoming/Missed views
- Copy to clipboard text content of task
File > Preferences > Settings > InFocus
Setting id: infocus.todoist.token
- token to access todoist
Setting id: infocus.todoist.syncInternval
- value in minutes at which interval Todoist data is synced. If set to 0, interval will not be used. You can steel sync by action from sidebar.
Setting id: infocus.todoist.regexp
- regexp pattern to match todos from code with codelens