Marty is a professional software tool originally developed for JK-Regeltechnik to improve the performance of certain tasks
Table of Contents
- What is Marty here for
- How does Marty even work
- How to use Marty
The goal of Marty is to filter a file for certain data points, process and connect them and finally write the connection string into another file.
Marty uses regex and simple python string techniques to achieve glamorous results.
You have to have Python 3 installed, min version 3.6
How to set up python on Windows
How to run python scripts under windows
Navigate to the dist folder and download the current version
The file structure should look like following:
- res
- out
- Change directory to martyCon_release_x
- The file you want to analyze has to be placed in res
- Open in your favorite editor and change the dp_csv_filename variable to your actual filename
- start the script via cmd
In the main window you have to load the file via the respective button
The search will not work until the file is loaded
After that you can enter the desired abbreviations to look for the data points to be connected \
Marty will automatically adapt the resulting files name to include the desired data points abbreviations. This is done to get handier file names
Last thing to do is to click the write button. The file will then be placed inside the out folder
20.04.2021 Initial Release
20.5.2021 Fixed some bugs and beautified logging, initated github repo