Intent | Example Keyphrase | Function | Output |
Cpu | Mycroft, what is the current cpu percent? | Get the current cpu percentage. | The cpu is currently running at 10%. I'm working hard on <list of processes> |
Diagnostics | Mycroft, run diagnostics. | Run external script | One moment while I run the diagnostics script. <Whatever is printed to stdout of the diagnostics script.> |
Drive space | Mycroft, how's my hard drive space? | List drive partitions & their space | / has 52.3 Gig free it's used 71.7% /home/erm/disk2 has 758.9 Gig free it's used 58.6% |
Public Ip | Mycroft, what is my public IP? | Gets all the ip addresses from all nics | This computer has the following lan IP addresses and your public IP is [censored] |
Uptime | Mycroft, what's your uptime? | Run uptime -r and get the output |
I have been up 2 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes |
cd /opt/mycroft/skills
git clone skill-diagnostics
cd skill-diagnostics
workon mycroft
# if that doesn't work try `source <path to virtualenv/bin/activate>`
pip install -r requirements.txt
# restart the skills service
The diagnostics script needs to be defined in the mycroft.conf
file, under the DiagnosticsSkill
section. You can find more information about configuration files in the official Mycroft Documentation. The script can be the output to any program you'd like. Whatever the stdout is, will be what mycroft says. Remember to restart the mycroft skills service once you add this.
"DiagnosticsSkill": {
"script": "~/"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import subprocess as sp
from urllib import parse
from setproctitle import setproctitle
urls = [
servers = [
def _print(*args):
def run(cmd):
child = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
out = ""
err = ""
ran_once = False
while not ran_once or child.returncode is None:
_out, _err = child.communicate()
out += _out.decode("utf8")
err += _err.decode("utf8")
ran_once = True
status = child.returncode
return status, out, err
def wget(url):
url_data = parse.urlparse(url)
cmd = ["wget", "-qO-", "--tries=1", "--timeout=5", url]
status, output, err = run(cmd)
if status != 0:
_print("web server " + str(url_data.netloc) + " is DOWN !")
return status, url_data.netloc
def ping(host):
# "ping -c1 -w2 " + str(host)
cmd = ['ping', '-c1', '-w2', host]
status, output, err = run(cmd)
if status != 0:
_print("Server " + str(host) + " is DOWN !")
if err:
_print("error:", err)
return status
no_ping_servers = []
for host in servers:
if ping(host):
if no_ping_servers:
_print("There is a problem with the following servers %s" %
", ".join(no_ping_servers))
no_wget_urls = []
for url in urls:
status, host = wget(url)
if status:
if no_wget_urls:
_print("There is a problem with the following web servers %s" %
", ".join(no_wget_urls))
if not no_wget_urls and not no_ping_servers:
_print("All servers are up and responding to pings.")