This code monkey patches AudioParams with a method to get values at any time
npm i audioparam-getvalueattime
import 'audioparam-getvalueattime'
// if you interrupt a schedulement with cancelAndHoldAtTime,
// then you can continue from there with new events, e.g. ramps
// but if there was nothing scheduled, then it will try to run your ramp from
// the end of a last event
const properCancelAndHold = (node, time) => {
if (node.hasScheduledChangesAtTime(time)) {
} else {
const valueAtTime = node.getValueAtTime(time)
node.setValueAtTime(valueAtTime, time)
const ctx = new AudioContext()
const volume = ctx.createGain()
const oscillator = ctx.createOscillator()
// ...
const attack = 0.1
const release = 0.3
const scheduleNoteOn = (pitch, velocity, t) => {
const gain = volume.gain
const frequency = oscillator.frequency
properCancelAndHold(gain, t)
gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(velocity, t + attack)
frequency.setValueAtTime(pitch, t)
const scheduleNoteOff = (t) => {
const gain = volume.gain
properCancelAndHold(gain, t)
gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, t + release)
// ...
const startTime = ctx.currentTime
scheduleNoteOn(440, 0.5, startTime)
scheduleNoteOff(startTime + 1)
scheduleNoteOn(550, 0.5, startTime + 2)
scheduleNoteOff(startTime + 3)
scheduleNoteOn(660, 0.5, startTime + 2.5)
scheduleNoteOff(startTime + 3.5)
The lib has no exports, since it's an IIFE, that will automatically run and patch up the native AudioContext
The following methods will become available on AudioParam instances:
- calculates the value at t
time based on scheduled changes
- checks whether there are any changes scheduled at or after t
interrupted withcancelAndHoldAtTime
is not yet calculated, when evaluating schedulement ( internally we replace events sliced by a cancelling event with a smaller, interpolated event, because we don't store the cancelling event )