Home Assistant Chicken Coop Opener. Designed to run:
Wemos D1 Mini - ESP8266
L298N Motor Driver
12v DC Power Supply
12v DC Geared Motor with Encoder - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000098341909.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.40694c4dVEUa5w
Reed Switches
Home Assistant with MQTT
L298N 12v input
Pin configuration. Pins D7(Wemos 13) (L298N IN1) and D8(Wemos 15) (L298N IN2) are used for controlling the motor’s direction
Pin configuration. D1(Wemos 5) (Motor Green) are used for reading the encoder
L298N Motor A (Motor Red + and Motor White -)
Pin configuration. Pins VIN (L298N +5V), VCC 3.3v (Motor Blue) and GND (Motor Black)