See examples at haskell_test/*.hs
Currently you can install reley compiler with python install
- Compile:
> reley cc <filename>.hs -o <out>.pyc
> python <out>.pyc
- Run Reley
> reley run <filename>.hs
- Import reley programs in Python
If you have a reley source file haskell_test/sum_n.hs
m_sum, (==) -- export `m_sum` and `(==)`
import operator (add, eq)
import functools (reduce)
import toolz (curry)
import reley.prelude ((+))
infix 5 (==)
infix 0 ($)
(==) = curry eq
($) a b = a b
(+) = curry add
m_sum lst = if lst == [] then 0
else destruct lst
destruct (a, b) = a + m_sum(b)
main () =
print $ m_sum [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Then you can import it in Python
import reley.impl.pycompat
from haskell_test.sum_n import m_sum
lst = (5, (2, (1, ())))
It's in an early stage with many shortages. Most of the crucial Haskell features are missing.