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Characterizing the performance of minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding for neural machine translation (NMT) when using various candidate generation methods by examining BLEU score, length bias, and token frequency bias. [CS287: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Final Project, Fall 2021]


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Characterizing minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding for neural machine translation (NMT)

This project characterizes the performance of MBR decoding for NMT when using various candidate generation methods, by examining BLEU score, length bias, and token frequency bias in resulting translations. The project motivation, goals, and results are described below. The final project paper, which contains a full project description, can be found here.

This repository contains the dataset used for the project, code to reproduce results and analyses, and saved results. The folders and files of this repository are described in detail below.


The aim of NMT is to output the best possible translation of a given input text. Given a trained model, this has historically been accomplished through maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding, which seeks to find the mode of the generated conditional distribution over all possible output sequences. However, recent work has shown that MAP decoding may not be the optimal decoding rule. A new approach, known as MBR decoding, shows promise in addressing the shortcomings of MAP decoding, though it has not yet been shown to fix length bias and token probability bias.


In this project, we:

  • Apply several classic sampling methods (beam search, ancestral sampling, top-k sampling, and top-p sampling) to generate candidate translations for the MBR decoding algorithm
  • Compare and contrast the performance of classic beam search and MBR decoding with different candidate generation methods
  • Provide a robust characterization of the biases present in each method’s selected translations (length bias and token frequency bias)


The results of our project:

  • Suggest that classic beam search marginally outperforms all forms of MBR decoding in terms of BLEU score, length bias, and token frequency bias
  • Confirm that classic beam search and MBR decoding with all candidate generation methods explored exhibit length bias and token frequency bias
  • Indicate that the direction and magnitude of length bias strongly correlates with the length of the reference sentence

Repository description

This repository contains the dataset used for the project, code to reproduce results and analyses, and saved results. Specifically, the repository contains the following folders and files:

dataset folder

We use a subset of the English-French parallel corpus from the Tatoeba Project, downloading the processed tab-delimited parallel corpus from The subset contains 2,500 English-French sentence pairs, randomly sampled from the top 5% longest sentences in the full English-French parallel corpus. We sampled accordingly to upsample longer sentences in order to study length bias. In the subset, English sentence lengths range between 6-34 words, with an average of 12.48 words, and French sentence lengths range between 6-37 words, with an average of 13.22 words.

  • fra.txt: Full English-French parallel corpus from the Tatoeba Project

  • tatoeba_df_subset.pkl: Subset of English-French parallel corpus from the Tatoeba Project. Code to obtain this subset can be found at code/generate-candidates-and-samples.ipynb.

code folder

This folder contains code files to reproduce results and analyses.

  • generate-candidates-and-samples.ipynb: Processes data. Generates candidate translations (via beam search, ancestral sampling, top-k sampling, and top-p sampling) and sample translations (via ancestral sampling) to be used in MBR decoding. Also performs beam search decoding as a baseline. Code outputs are stored in results/candidate-and-sample-translations. Uses the Unified Text-to-Text Transformer model (Raffel et al., 2020) accessed through Hugging Face (call to model included in notebook).

  • mbr-decoding.ipynb: Performs MBR decoding using candidate and sample translations outputted by generate-candidates-and-samples.ipynb. MBR decoding selects the best translation among the candidate translations. Code outputs are stored in results/final-translations. Uses the mbr-nmt package by Eikema and Aziz (2021) (installation and runs included in notebook).

  • analysis-calculate-bleu-scores.ipynb: Calculates BLEU scores for translations produced using beam search decoding and MBR decoding (using various candidate generation methods).

  • analysis-bleu-and-length-bias.ipynb: Analyzes BLEU score performance and length bias in the translations produced by beam search decoding and MBR decoding (using various candidate generation methods).

  • analysis-token-frequency-bias.ipynb: Analyzes token frequency bias in the translations produced by beam search decoding and MBR decoding (using various candidate generation methods).

results folder

This folder contains saved results.

  • candidate-and-sample-translations folder: Contains candidate translations and sample translations outputted by code/generate-candidates-and-samples.ipynb. Each file contains a _c.txt counterpart, a reformatted version of the file used by the mbr-nmt package.

  • final-translations folder: Contains final translations from beam search decoding (baseline_beam_X.txt files) and MBR decoding using various candidate generation methods (samples_ancestral_n200_candidates_X.txt files). Output of code/mbr-decoding.ipynb.


Characterizing the performance of minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding for neural machine translation (NMT) when using various candidate generation methods by examining BLEU score, length bias, and token frequency bias. [CS287: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, Final Project, Fall 2021]








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