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#The accomplisht cook, or The art and mystery of cookery. Wherein the whole art is revealed in a more easie and perfect method, then hath been publisht in any language. Expert and ready wayes for the dressing of all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish; the raising of pastes; the best directions for all manner of kickshaws, and the most poinant sauces; with the tearms of carving and sewing. An exact account of all dishes for the season; with other a la mode curiosities. Together with the lively illustrations of such necessary figures as are referred to practice. / Approved by the fifty years experience and industry of Robert May, in his attendance on several persons of honour.#

##May, Robert, b. 1588.## The accomplisht cook, or The art and mystery of cookery. Wherein the whole art is revealed in a more easie and perfect method, then hath been publisht in any language. Expert and ready wayes for the dressing of all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish; the raising of pastes; the best directions for all manner of kickshaws, and the most poinant sauces; with the tearms of carving and sewing. An exact account of all dishes for the season; with other a la mode curiosities. Together with the lively illustrations of such necessary figures as are referred to practice. / Approved by the fifty years experience and industry of Robert May, in his attendance on several persons of honour. May, Robert, b. 1588.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


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Major revisions

  1. 2010-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2010-04 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2010-06 Lauren Proux Sampled and proofread
  4. 2010-06 Lauren Proux Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2011-06 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### portrait of Robert MayAetatis Suae. 71. 1660.What? wouldst thou uiew but in one faceall hoſpitalitie _ Tearms of Carving.

_ Service.

_ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

_ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

_ The Sewing of Fiſh.

_ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

_ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

_ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

_ A Bill of Fare for February.

_ A Bill of Fare for March.

_ A Bill of Fare for April.

_ A Bill of Fare for May.

_ A Bill of Fare for June.

_ A Bill of Fare for July.

_ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

_ A Bill of Fare for September.

_ A Bill of Fare for October.

_ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

〈1 page duplicate〉THE Accompliſht Cook, OR THE ART and MYSTERY OF COOKERY.Wherein the whole Art is r _ Tearms of Carving.

_ Service.

_ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

_ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

_ The Sewing of Fiſh.

_ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

_ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

_ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

_ A Bill of Fare for February.

_ A Bill of Fare for March.

_ A Bill of Fare for April.

_ A Bill of Fare for May.

_ A Bill of Fare for June.

_ A Bill of Fare for July.

_ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

_ A Bill of Fare for September.

_ A Bill of Fare for October.

_ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.
  1. To the Right Honourable my Lord Lumley, and my Lord Lovelace; and to the Right Worſhipful Sir. VVilliam Paſton, Sir Kenelme Digby, and Sir Frederick Cornwallis; ſo well known to the Nation for their admired Hoſpitalities.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  2. To the Maſter Cooks, and to ſuch young Practitioners of the Art of Cookery, to whom this Book may be uſeful.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  3. A ſhort Narrative of ſome paſſages of the Authors Life.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  4. Triumphs and Trophies in Cookery, to be uſed at Feſtival Times, as Twelfth Day, &c.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  5. On the unparallel'd Piece of Mr. MAY his Cookery.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  6. To the Reader of (my very loving Friend) Mr. ROBERT MAY his incomparable Book of Cookery.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  7. The moſt Exact, or A la Mode wayes of Carving and Sewing.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.

  8. Bills of FARE for every Seaſon in the Year; alſo how to ſet forth the MEAT in order for that Service; as it was uſed before Hoſpitality left this Nation.

    _ Tearms of Carving.

    _ Service.

    _ Sauce for all manner of Fowls.

    _ Directions for the order of Carving Fowl.

    _ The Sewing of Fiſh.

    _ A Bill of Fare for All Saints Day, being Novemb. 1.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Chriſtmas Day, and how to ſet the Meat in order.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Newyears Day.

    _ A Bill of Fare for February.

    _ A Bill of Fare for March.

    _ A Bill of Fare for April.

    _ A Bill of Fare for May.

    _ A Bill of Fare for June.

    _ A Bill of Fare for July.

    _ A Bill of Fare for Auguſt.

    _ A Bill of Fare for September.

    _ A Bill of Fare for October.

    _ A Bill of Fare formerly uſed on Faſting Dayes and in Lent.


  1. THE Accompliſht Cook, OR, The whole Art and Myſtery of COOKERY, fitted for all Degrees and Qualities.

    _ Section 1.

    _ Section 2.

    _ Section 3.

    _ Section 4.

    _ Section 5.

    _ Section 6.

    _ Section 7.

    _ Section 8.

    _ Section 9.

    _ Section 10.

    _ Section 11.

    _ Section 12.

    _ Section 13. Or, The firſt Section for Dreſſing of Fiſh.

    _ Section 14. Or, The ſecond Section of Fiſh.

    _ Section 15. Or, The third Section for Dreſſing of Fiſh.

    _ Section 16. Or, The fourth Section of Dreſſing Fiſh.

    _ Section 17. OR. The fifth Section of Fiſh.

    _ Section 18. Or, The ſixth Section of Fiſh.

    _ Section 19. Or, The ſeventh Section of Fiſh.

    _ Section 20.

    _ Section 21.

    _ Section 22.


  1. The Table.

  2. Theſe Books, with others, are Printed for Nathanael Brook and are to be ſold at his Shop at the Angel in Cornhil.

Types of content

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  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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25. salute 1
26. signed 5
27. trailer 2


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