#Institutions of Christian religion framed out of Gods word, and the writings of the best diuines, methodically handled by questions and answers, fit for all such as desire to know, or practise the will of God. Written in Latin by William Bucanus Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Lausanna. And published in English by Robert Hill, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, for the benefit of our English nation, to which is added in the end the practise of papists against Protestant princes. Institutiones theologicae. English#
##Bucanus, Guillaume.## Institutions of Christian religion framed out of Gods word, and the writings of the best diuines, methodically handled by questions and answers, fit for all such as desire to know, or practise the will of God. Written in Latin by William Bucanus Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Lausanna. And published in English by Robert Hill, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, for the benefit of our English nation, to which is added in the end the practise of papists against Protestant princes. Institutiones theologicae. English Bucanus, Guillaume.
##General Summary##
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Major revisions
- 2013-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
- 2013-04 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
- 2013-07 John Pas Sampled and proofread
- 2013-07 John Pas Text and markup reviewed and edited
- 2014-03 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion
##Content Summary##
#####Front##### INSTITVTIONS OF CHRISTIAN REligion, framed out of Gods word, and the writings of the beſt Diuines, m
King Dauids Teſtament to his ſonne Salomon.
TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, AND hopefull young Lords, Robert Deuoreux, Earle of Eſſex, ſonne in Lawe to the moſt Honourable, Thomas, Earle of Suffolke, and to Sir William Cecill, Knight of the Bathe, Lord of Cranborne, ſonne and heyre to the moſt worthy Lord, Robert Earle of Saliſbury: grace, and Peace.
To the Chriſtian Reader.
A Table of all the Common Places, and their ſeuerall heads, handled in this excellent Booke, in which are anſwered, one thouſand fiue hundred and ſeauenty Queſtions. Page 611. Line, 16. for conſent read constraint. Page, 860. lin. 26, mens minds for mans minde, The #####Body#####
WHAT IS THE MAINE AND MOST principall point in ſacred Diuinitie? COncerning God: For this is life eternall (ſaith Chriſt, Ioh. 17.3.) that they acknowledge thee the _ The ſecond common Place, concerning Chriſt.
_ The third common Place, concerning the holy Ghoſt.
_ The fourth common Place, of the holy Scripture.
_ The fifth common Place, of Creation.
_ The ſixth common Place, of Angels.
_ The ſeuenth common Place, of euill Angels, or of Diuels.
_ The eighth common Place, of Man.
_ The ninth common Place, Of the image of God in man.
_ The tenth common Place, of originall Righteouſneſſe.
_ The eleuenth common Place, of mans free will before his fall.
_ The twelfth common Place, of Mariage.
_ The thirteenth common place, of Diuorce.
_ The fourteenth common place, of the gouernment of the world, or Gods prouidence.
_ The fifteenth common place, Of Sinne in generall, and eſpecially of Originall Sinne.
_ ❧The ſixteenth Place. of Actuall ſinne.
_ ❧The ſeuenteenth Place. of ſinne againſt the holy Ghoſt.
_ ❧The eighteenth common Place. Of free will after the fall of man.
_ The ninteenth common Place. Of the Lawe-
_ The twentieth common Place. Of the Goſpell
_ The one and twentieth common Place. Of the agreement and difference of the Law and Goſpell.
_ The two and twentieth common Place. Of the difference of the old and new Teſtament.
_ The three and twentieth common place. Of the paſſion and death of Chiſt.
_ The foure and twentieth common Place. Of the buriall of Chriſt.
_ The fiue and twentieth common Place. Of Chriſts deſcending into hell.
_ The ſixe and twentieth common place. Of Chriſts Reſurrection.
_ The ſeuen and twentieth common Place. Of Chriſts Aſcenſion.
_ The eight and twentieth common Place. Of the ſitting of Chriſt at the right hand of the Father.
_ The nine and twentieth common place. Of Faith.
_ ❧The thirtieth common place. Of Repentance, where of Regeneration.
_ The one and thirtieth common place. Of the iuſtification of Man before God.
_ The two and thirtieth common place. Of good workes.
_ The three and thirtieth common place. Of Chriſtian libertie.
_ The foure and thirtieth common place. Of Offences.
_ The fiue and thirtieth common place. Of Prayer.
_ The ſixe and thirtieth common place. Of Predeſtination.
_ The ſeuen and thirtieth common place. Of the laſt Reſurrection.
_ The eight and thirtieth common place. Of the laſt Iudgement.
_ The nine and thirtieth common Place. Of Eternall life.
_ The fortieth common place. Of eternall Death.
_ The one and fortieth common place. Of the Church.
_ The two and fortieth common Place. Of the Miniſterie.
_ The three and fortieth common place. Of the power and authoritie of the Church, as alſo of Synods.
_ The foure and fortieth common place. Of the Gouernment and Iuriſdiction of the Church, where alſo of faſting.
_ The fiue and fortieth common Place. Of Vowes.
_ The ſixe and fortieth common place. Of the Sacraments in generall, where it is intreated of circumciſion, & the paſchall Lambe.
_ The ſeuen and fortieth common place. Of Baptiſme.
_ The eight and fortieth common place. Of the Supper of the Lord.
_ The nine and fortieth common place. Concerning Magiſtrates, or Politicke gouernment.
Types of content
- There are 106 verse lines!
- Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!
There are 989 omitted fragments! @reason (989) : illegible (327), foreign (642), illegible: missing (3), duplicate (16), missing (1) • @resp (327) : #KEYERS (327) • @extent (347) : 1 letter (277), 2 letters (30), 3 letters (6), 1 word (12), 1 span (3), 1 page (17), 4 letters (2)
Character listing
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22. | q | 36 | |
23. | seg | 51 | @rend (51) : decorInit (51) |
24. | signed | 2 | |
25. | trailer | 1 |