This package allows for easy installation of Fonts from the Web including:
- ADF Fonts
- Google Fonts
- Libertinus Fonts
- MS Core Fonts For Web
- Nerd Fonts
- Fira Fonts
- Plex Fonts
- Open Sans (with Noto updates)
- URW Base 35 Fonts
You will need an Internet connection during execution.
A precompiled Java-based Gui installer is available from the releases page requireing Java 11+.
the following utilities are used:
- bash (obviously)
- curl
- wget
- aria2c
- jq
- xq
- tar
- unzip
- g(un)zip
- b(un)zip2
- cabextract
install-fonts [provider] [ ... options ... ]
install-fonts -list
install-fonts provider -list
install-fonts provider -system
install-fonts provider -local
install-fonts provider -user
install-fonts provider -prefix /path/to/prefix/
install-fonts provider -prefix /path/to/prefix/ -zip
install-fonts provider -list -filter [regex]
install-fonts provider -filter [regex]
install-fonts google -family [name]
install-fonts github -list
install-fonts github -list -repo ORG/REPO
install-fonts github -repo ORG/REPO
install-fonts github -url
the fontesk provider is a little bit special due to the limitations of the api.
- it is not possible to list on font on the site
- always search for
install-fonts fontesk -list -query [match]
- and/or refine with a filter
install-fonts fontesk -list -query [match] -filter [regex]
- the known limitation is 20 entries max.
- standalone Noto?, Roboto?, Droid?
- maybe change cp to install