The Regularized Conditional Adversarial Network is used to predict average TOPro3 viabilities of organoids present in each site of a well
to generate dose response curves directly from brightfield images.
In order to run inference
clone this repo
is the bash script used to download the required patient line to run inference on. The data exists ins3://mlab-microscope-data- use1/modeling/Drug\ Assays/
- pass the following args to download images
bash {Patient Line} {Drug screen} {checkpointFile} {local path to download data} {AWS PROFILE}
- The script will download the raw brightfield, fluorescence channel .tifs along with the checkpoint files into 3 subfolders - brightfield, fluorescence and checkpoint
Build the docker image
docker build -t rca_pipeline .
Run docker container
docker run -ti --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -v {path to downloaded data}:/mnt rca_pipeline
This pipeline is an adaptation of Pix2pix by Isola et al. Source code for Pix2pix -