released this
21 Jul 09:17
Improved Galicaster stability (Fixed preview freezes after multiple recordings #457 , file descriptor leaks #441 and timeouts getting recorder status #493 )
Added an option to dump dot file of Gstreamer pipeline (ppettit)
Added "capture.device.timezone" to Opencast config #472
Added a new signal 'record-finished' when a recording is finished
Added the possibility to close a popup dialog before execute his callback
Corrected some bad interactions between the no-audio dialog and other popups.
Fixed shutdown button
Fixed problems with unicode strings #300 #458
Fixed problem with 720p resolution #436
Fixed bug: send config to MH in shot heartbeat instead of long heartbeat #114
Fixed ingesting even if ingest was disabled #529
Fixed exception if a recording finishes while it's paused #513 (ppettit)
Fixed pause button not dissapearing when a recording finish
Fixed incorrect status sent to Opencast #473 #491
Fixed nightly timer from starting at wrong time #483
Fixed errors in timestamps with offsets #471
Fixed ical processing issue where first event is ignored #451
Fixed a bug that permit launch recordings from next recordings window
Fixed non public series from Opencast aren't shown in Galicaster
Fixed minor bug: the swapvideos button was not hiding when set to false.
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