The archive-editor is an application-program; it supports the scientific work with biographical data. With a central repository several scientist can work on the same data. A local database holds the information until it will be synchronized with the central repository.
more information see: English:
Install Eclipse RCP/RAP distribution.
Clone git, that is import all projects from archiv-editor.git
Go to plugin, open Product-Configuration file in Product-Editor (PDE-Tools)
Overview-Page, click on "Launch an Eclipse application". This will create a Run-Configuration based on the Product-Configuration. Running this Run-Configuration will fail at the first attempt. Then go to Menu>>Run>>Run Configurations... Open the newly created Run-Configuration, select Tab Plug-ins, click "Add Required Plug-ins", then hit Run. OR: Create run configuration and add required plugins and features.
Archiv-Editor will automatically create 2 folders in the parent folder of your workspace, one AEConfig with a default configuration file, and baseXHOME with database files for the local baseX-database.
You will see the Installation-Dialog, change settings if needed, click "Save".
Next you will see the Repository-Connection-Dialog. Click "Cancel", you don't need to enter a valid repository connection. For more, see the manual at
Now you'll be requested to enter a username: enter eg. admin/admin, or user/user
Eventually, the main perspective will show up.
Use PDE-Product Export from Product Configuration Editor, Overview tab, Export Product.