This static library was written to help any third party software using objective-c to implement opensubtitles in any application without almost any code.
###API You can use the API using or delegate or blocks
-(void) opensubitleAPI:(OSubManager *) sessionManager sessionStartSuccessWithResult:(BOOL) result;
-(void) opensubitleAPI:(OSubManager *) sessionManager sessionRestartSuccessWithResult:(BOOL) result;
Usually you don't need to implement this method. This method gives you the opportunity to know if session requests results. The search and others queries will handle this requests for you.
-(void) opensubitleAPI:(OSubManager *) sessionManager subtitleSearchResponseSuccess:(BOOL) hasResults withResults:(NSArray *) result;
Method called whenever there is a search result.
-(void) opensubitleAPI:(OSubManager *) sessionManager countryLanguagesResponseSuccess:(BOOL) hasResults withResults:(NSArray *) result;
Method called when there is a request for the existent country codes.
-(void) opensubitleAPI:(OSubManager *) sessionManager subtitleDownloadWithData:(NSData *) results;
If the download from subtitle went well
-(void) opensubitleAPI:(OSubManager *) sessionManager subtitleDownloadFailed:(int) error;
When the subtitle fails to download ####Init the Manager OSubManager It's the Proxy for all the features. You can do all operation using only this class.
Example using blocks:
#include "OpensubtitleAPI.h"
// 3 letters country code (You can retrieve it from the API) with the subtitles language, you can add several.
[[OSubManager sharedObject] addSearchLanguage:@"por"];
[[OSubManager sharedObject] searchSubtitlesForString:@"Orange Machine" onQuery:^(BOOL hasResults, NSArray * results) {
if (hasResults) {
for (Subtitle * subtitle in results) {
[[OSubManager sharedObject] downloadSubtitleWithId:subtitle.IDSubtitleFile onDownloadFinish:^(NSData * data) {
} onFail:^(int code) {
} else {
//No subtitle found
####Country Codes You can request an NSArray with NSDictionary with country code (2 and 3 letters), localized country name.
#####Using delegates: -(void) retrieveCountryLanguagesLocalizedTo:(NSString *) language;
#####Using blocks -(void) retrieveCountryLanguagesLocalizedTo:(NSString *) language onResult:(void(^)(BOOL,NSArray *)) onLanguageRetrieve;
####Search for subtitle by name: This search will use the imdb to search the id from the movie in imdb database and next it will search the subtitle at opensubtitle db returning an array of Subtitle objects (contains url to download, movie id, movie information, etc).
#####Using delegates:
-(void) searchSubtitlesForString:(NSString *)string forLanguages:(NSArray *) languages; -(void) searchSubtitlesForString:(NSString *)string;
#####Using blocks -(void) searchSubtitlesForString:(NSString *) string onQuery:(void(^)(BOOL,NSArray *)) onSubtitlesFound; -(void) searchSubtitlesForString:(NSString *) string forLanguages:(NSArray *) languages onQuery:(void(^)(BOOL,NSArray *)) onSubtitlesFound;
####Download: Using the subtitle ID (can be obtained using the search by name), you can download the subtitle. This process is heavy and slow since the subtitle will come in gzip and base64. The API returns the subtitle content in raw.
#####Using delegates: -(void) downloadSubtitleWithId:(NSString *) identifier; #####Using blocks -(void) downloadSubtitleWithId:(NSString *) identifier onDownloadFinish:(void(^)(NSData *)) onFinish onFail:(void(^)(int)) onFail;