Codebreaker is a simple Go server and client library for the CosmWasm Contracts Registry. It provides a convenient API, automatically updating itself to any changes in the Github repo once a day.
Install the binary
go install
and run the server (this is for port :8080)
codebreaker teamscanworks/cw-contracts-registry :8080
Query | Description | Response Type |
/v1/chains |
Returns an array of registered chains by name | []string |
/v1/chain/{chain}/code-id/{codeId} |
Returns the contract info by code id | Contract |
/v1/chain/{chain}/address/{addreess} |
Returns the contract info by address (TODO) | Contract |
Codebreaker is a modified version of Skychart, a Go server for the Cosmos Chain Registry by @cmwaters.