Voice controlled repository management for GitHub using Octonode with Amazon Echo Made at HackRPI 2015
Get information about a set repository
Repo Branches
- "Get branches."
- "List the branches."
- "What are the branches?"
Repo Contributors
- "Who is working on this?"
- "Who made this?"
- "Get contributors."
- "Which hackers are the greatest ever?"
Repo Languages
- "Get languages."
- "Get working language."
- "What languages am I using?"
Latest Commit
- "Get latest commit."
- "What is the most recent commit?"
- "What was the last commit?"
Get Issue
- "Get issue number {number}."
- "What is issue {number}?"
Create Issue
- Experimental, speak quickly for the title and body.
- "Make a new issue titled {title}."
- "Make a new issue titled {title} with body {body}."
Last Notifications
- "Read my last notification."
- "Get latest notification."