Welcome to the official repository for MosterBio - a cinema website, which is a group project for our school course in front-end. Contributers in this repository are:
Feel free to read up on the requirements and user stories here: https://fe23-kyh.lms.nodehill.se/article/projektarbete-filmvisarna-fe23
Expand API Endpoint Document
Table of Contents: API Endpoints Documentation
Special Endpoints for Developers - Admin Auth
Add Hall (POST /api/hall)
Delete All Halls (DELETE /api/hall) ⚠
Add Movie (POST /api/movie)
Delete All Movies (DELETE /api/movie) ⚠
Create Showtime (POST /api/showtime)
Update Showtime (PUT /api/showtime/{showtimeId})
Create Ticket Type (POST /api/ticket/)
Update Ticket Type (PUT /api/ticket/{ticketTypeId})
Delete Ticket Type (DELETE /api/ticket/{ticketTypeId})
Movie Endpoints
Add Movie (POST /api/movie)
Delete All Movies (DELETE /api/movie)
Get All Movies (GET /api/movie)
Get Movie by ID (GET /api/movie/{movieId})
Create Showtime (POST /api/showtime)
Update Showtime (PUT /api/showtime/{showtimeId})
Get Showtime Filter Movie Date Range (GET /api/showtime?movieId={movieId}&startDate=2024-11-20&endDate=2024-11-27 )
Get All Showtimes Of Date Range (GET /api/showtime/date-range?startDate=2024-11-20&endDate=2024-11-27)
Get Showtime By ID (GET /api/showtime/{showtimeId})
Get Seats of Showtime (GET /api/showtime/{showtimeId}}/seats)
User Endpoints
Register User (POST /api/auth/register)
Login User (POST /api/auth/login)
Logout User (POST /api/auth/logout)
Reset Password (POST /api/auth/reset-password)
Get All Bookings for a User (GET /api/user/bookings)
Create Booking (POST /api/user/bookings)
Cancel Booking (DELETE /api/user/cancel-booking/{bookingNumber})
Get User Profile (GET /api/user/info)
Update User Profile (POST /api/user/update-profile)
Update User Password (POST /api/user/update-password)
Hall Endpoints
Add Hall (POST /api/hall)
Delete All Halls (DELETE /api/hall)
Get All Halls (GET /api/hall)
Get Seat by ID (GET /api/hall/seat/{seatId}) - not used -
Get Seats for Showtime in Hall (GET /api/hall/{hallId}/showtime/{time}) - old structure - not used
Ticket Endpoints
Get All Ticket Types (GET /api/ticket/)
Create Ticket Type (POST /api/ticket/)
Update Ticket Type (PUT /api/ticket/{ticketTypeId})
Delete Ticket Type (DELETE /api/ticket/{ticketTypeId})
Method: POST
URL: /api/hall
Request Body (JSON):
"hallNumber": "2",
"hallName": "Lilla Salongen",
"seatsPerRow": [
- Expected Response: Confirmation that the hall was added.
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/hall
Expected Response: Confirmation that all halls were deleted.
Method: POST
URL: /api/movie
Request Body (JSON):
"title": "They Live",
"year": 1988,
"length": 94,
"description": "En arbetare upptäcker att världen är invaderad av utomjordingar som döljer sin sanna identitet...",
"genre": [
"distributor": "Universal Pictures",
"productionCountries": [
"language": "engelska",
"subtitles": "svenska",
"director": "John Carpenter",
"actors": [
"Roddy Piper",
"Keith David",
"Meg Foster"
"poster": "https://res.cloudinary.com/dwecng9uv/image/upload/v1728395274/they-live_ahfqy5.png",
"trailer": "PeB3vdxF_jM",
"ageRestriction": 15,
"imdbRating": 7.2
- Expected Response: Confirmation that the movie was added.
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/movie
Expected Response: Confirmation that all movies were deleted.
Method: POST
URL: /api/showtime
Expected Response: Confirmation that showtime was created.
Request Body (JSON):
"movieId": "6705398474ccca3d8e653c44",
"hallId": "6708dfe0f3662fd636f527a5",
"date": "2024-10-24",
"time": "18:30"
Method: PUT
URL: /api/showtime/{showtimeId}
Expected Response: Confirmation that showtime was updated.
Request Body (JSON):
"date": "2024-11-21",
"time": "19:00"
Method: POST
URL: /api/ticket/
Expected Response: Confirmation that ticket type was created..
Request Body (JSON):
"type": "Pensionär",
"price": 120
Method: PUT
URL: /api/ticket/{ticketTypeId}
Expected Response: Confirmation that ticket type was updated.
Request Body (JSON):
"type": "Vuxen",
"price": 140
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/ticket/{ticketTypeId}
Expected Response: Confirmation that ticket type was deleted..
Method: POST
URL: /api/movie
Request Body (JSON):
"title": "They Live",
"year": 1988,
"length": 94,
"description": "<p>En arbetare upptäcker att världen är invaderad av utomjordingar som döljer sin sanna identitet...</p>",
"genre": [
"distributor": "Universal Pictures",
"productionCountries": [
"language": "engelska",
"subtitles": "svenska",
"director": "John Carpenter",
"actors": [
"Roddy Piper",
"Keith David",
"Meg Foster"
"poster": "https://res.cloudinary.com/dwecng9uv/image/upload/v1728395274/they-live_ahfqy5.png",
"trailer": "PeB3vdxF_jM",
"ageRestriction": 15,
"imdbRating": 7.2
- Expected Response: Confirmation that the movie was added.
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/movie
Expected Response: Confirmation that all movies were deleted.
Method: GET
URL: /api/movie
Expected Response: List of all movies.
Method: GET
URL: /api/movie/{movieId}
Expected Response: Detailed information of the movie (title, description, rating, genre, director, etc.).
Method: GET
URL: /api/movie/movies-by-date?selectedDate={date}
Expected Response: List of movies showing on the selected date.
Method: POST
URL: /api/showtime
Request Body (JSON):
"movieId": "6705398474ccca3d8e653c44",
"hallId": "6708dfe0f3662fd636f527a5",
"date": "2024-03-20",
"time": "18:30"
Method: PUT
URL: /api/showtime/{showtimeId}
Request Body (JSON):
"date": "2024-11-21",
"time": "19:00"
Method: GET
URL: /api/showtime?movieId={movieId}&startDate=2024-11-20&endDate=2024-11-27
Method: GET
URL: /api/showtime/date-range?startDate=2024-11-20&endDate=2024-11-27
Method: GET
URL: /api/showtime/{showtimeId}}/seats
Method: POST
URL: /api/auth/register
Request Body (JSON):
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "testar1",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": ""
Expected Response (200):
"message": "User registered successfully",
"user": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"bookings": [],
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"role": "admin",
"_id": "6717de0c69932a8dc143588a",
"createdAt": "2024-10-22T17:17:00.669Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-10-22T17:17:00.669Z",
"__v": 0
Error Response (400):
"error": "Error message"
Method: POST
URL: /api/auth/login
Request Body (JSON):
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
Expected Response (200):
"message": "User logged in successfully",
"user": {
"_id": "670bb7983fd1630377a0d4d7",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bookings": [
"createdAt": "2024-10-13T12:05:44.259Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-10-22T12:27:08.992Z",
"__v": 8,
"role": "user"
Error Responses (400):
User does not exist
Invalid password
Failed to generate token
Method: POST
URL: /api/auth/logout
Expected Response:
"message": "User logged out successfully"
Method: POST
URL: /api/auth/reset-password
Request Body (JSON):
"email": "email\@email.com"
- Expected Response: Confirmation that the password was reset.
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/user/cancel-booking/{ticketId} (E2CA79)
Expected Response: Confirmation that the booking was canceled.
Method: GET
URL: /api/user/bookings
Expected Response: List of the user's booked tickets.
Method: POST
URL: /api/user/bookings
Request Body (JSON):
"showtimeId": "670875b63efff90b939ed90a",
"selectedSeats": ["67078199c8a54ccb5e7e6e61", "67078199c8a54ccb5e7e6e62"],
"email": "[email protected]",
"tickets": [
"type": "Vuxen",
"quantity": 1
"type": "Pensionär",
"quantity": 0
"type": "Barn",
"quantity": 0
Method: GET
URL: /api/user/info
Expected Response:
"_id": "670bb7983fd1630377a0d4d7",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bookings": [
"createdAt": "2024-10-13T12:05:44.259Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-10-22T17:15:05.101Z",
"__v": 9,
"role": "user",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
Method: POST
URL: /api/user/update-profile
Request Body (JSON):
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
Method: POST
URL: /api/user/update-password
Request Body (JSON):
"oldPassword": "oldPassword",
"newPassword": "newPassword"
- Expected Response: Confirmation that the password was updated.
Method: POST
URL: /api/hall
Request Body (JSON):
"hallNumber": "2",
"hallName": "Lilla Salongen",
"seatsPerRow": [
- Expected Response: Confirmation that the hall was added.
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/hall
Expected Response: Confirmation that all halls were deleted.
Method: GET
URL: /api/hall
Expected Response: List of all halls.
Method: GET
URL: /api/hall/{hallId}/showtime/{time}
Expected Response:
"_id": "showtimeId",
"seats": [
"seat": "seatId",
"isBooked": true,
"_id": "seatId"
Method: GET
URL: /api/ticket/
Expected Response: Lists all ticket types.
"_id": "6716c0da3a6e498a8a14605c",
"type": "Vuxen",
"price": 140,
"__v": 0
"_id": "6716c1053a6e498a8a14605e",
"type": "Barn",
"price": 80,
"__v": 0
"_id": "6716c13b3a6e498a8a146060",
"type": "Pensionär",
"price": 120,
"__v": 0
Method: POST
URL: /api/ticket/
Expected Response: Ticket type created
Request Body (JSON):\
"type": "Pensionär",
"price": 120
Method: PUT
URL: /api/ticket/6716c0da3a6e498a8a14605c
Expected Response: Ticket type updated.
Request Body (JSON):
"type": "Vuxen",
"price": 140
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/ticket/6716c0da3a6e498a8a14605c
Expected Response: Ticket type removed