dotgitignore is a cli tool that automatically creates .gitignore file depending on different projects and codebase.
Install the npm package
npm -g install @tcp19/dotgitignore
Easily ignore environment files on your projects
? What project file do you wish to ignore. search: (Use arrow keys or type to search)
> angular
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
Use the arrow keys to navigate to node or type node
to search
Easily ignore environment files on your projects
? What project file do you wish to ignore. search: node
> node
Hit enter
Easily ignore environment files on your projects
? What project file do you wish to ignore. search: node
Successfully created an ignore file node project :tada
If you've ever wanted to contribute to open source, and a great cause, now is your chance!
See the dotgitignore Contributing docs for more information