The RVIC Streamflow Routing model is a simple source to sink routing model. The model represents each grid cell by a node in the channel network. Unit hydrographs are developed that described the time distribution of flow from each source grid cell to a corresponding sink grid cell. The development of the unit hydrographs is done as a pre process step (i.e.
). The final step is the convolution of the unit hydrographs with fluxes from a land surface model, typically VIC (i.e.
Examples of all configuration files can be found in RVIC/config/ directory
./fraction2domain.bash fraction_file.asc
*** note that only C program format files are currently supported
./ config_file.cfg
./ config_file.cfg -np $N_PROCESSORS
is the number of processors to be used. This uses the Python multiprocessing module.
./ config_file.cfg
- Based on the initial model of Lohmann, et al., 1996, Tellus, 48(A), 708-721
- Currently being coupled as a componenet model in the Comunity Earth System Model (RASM) as part of the Regional Arctic System Model Project.
- Write core convolution routine in C for speed.
- History file restarts to further support short model runs.
- Possible distributed application to support full grid routing (rather than source to sink only).
- Plans to couple directly to VIC.