This has grown a lot since inception and is now a working prototype of a flight planning app based on Google Maps, publicly available airspace data, aeroports, navigational aids and obstacles.
My goal of building this app was to avoid a couple of things that I found took too much time and had too many inherent error sources when planning a VFR flight during the Private Pilot training program.
Using the app, I eliminated the need for
- Having to use
Pooleys Flight Computer
- Having to guess precise True headings on crude lines drawn on a map
- Measuring distances incorrectly on the map
This is a work in progress - or maybe rather proof of conecpt. You will see the name of this project was selected as I was not sure I could even use Google Maps and the build in Markers for this purpose. Subsequently I never took the time to properly name the project.
Even though I have limited the project to be focussed on the Danish FIR, I have done so by only including data for this Flight Information Region. There are a lof of data related to airspace, nav aids, airports and such. I decided to maintain all this in a publicly shared spreadsheet hosted on my Google Account. This is very easy to maintain and Google provides versioning and audit tools so I will be able to open up for other data contributors if this is needed later on.
I will need to write proper documentation at some point, for now I will limit this to sharing a few screenshots.