MariaCpp is C++ library that lets you connect to the MariaDB Server (or MySQL Server).
LGPL (with static link exception) license
thin C++ wrapper around MariaDB Connector/C (C-API); thin means that C++ objects have none (or minimal) internal state, and you can possibly mix C++ code with native C-API
works with C++98, C++11, C++14 standards
it takes benefits of 2 major C++ paradigms: RAII and exceptions
supports most C-API features, including prepared statements
supports multithreading (multiple connections to DB)
no other dependencies (e.g. no Boost dependency)
#include <mariacpp/lib.hpp>
#include <mariacpp/connection.hpp>
#include <mariacpp/exception.hpp>
#include <mariacpp/prepared_stmt.hpp>
#include <mariacpp/time.hpp>
#include <mariacpp/uri.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace MariaCpp;
const char *uri = "tcp://localhost:3306/test";
const char *user = "test";
const char *passwd = "";
int main()
scoped_library_init maria_lib_init;
try {
Connection conn;
conn.connect(Uri(uri), user, passwd);
conn.query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test "
"(i INT, s CHAR(15), d DATETIME)");
std::auto_ptr<PreparedStatement> stmt(
conn.prepare("INSERT INTO test (i,s,d) values(?,?,?)"));
assert(3 == stmt->param_count());
stmt->setInt(0, 1);
stmt->setString(1, "string-1");
stmt->setDateTime(2, Time("2016-03-23 02:41"));
stmt->setInt(0, 2);
stmt->setDateTime(2, Time::datetime(2015, 02, 21, 12, 45, 51));
stmt.reset(conn.prepare("SELECT i, s, d FROM test ORDER BY i"));
while (stmt->fetch()) {
std::cout << "i = " << stmt->getInt(0);
std::cout << ", s = ";
if (stmt->isNull(1)) std::cout << "NULL";
else std::cout << stmt->getString(1);
std::cout << ", d = " << stmt->getTime(2) ;
std::cout << std::endl;
} catch (Exception &e) {
std::cerr << e << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
i = 1, s = string-1, d = 2016-03-23 02:41:00
i = 2, s = NULL, d = 2015-02-21 12:45:51
Q: There exists already MySQL Connector/C++. What's the benefit of MariaCpp?
A: The primary difference is a license: MySQL Connector/C++ is GPL. MariaCpp is licensed as LGPL (Lesser GPL) with static link exception. Other difference is that MySQL Connector/C++ is based on JDBC 4.0 API, while MariaCpp API is based on MariaDB Connector/C. Nevertheless, migration from MySQL Connector/C++ might be surprisingly easy.
Q: Can I use MariaCpp with MySQL Connector/C as underlying library instead of MariaDB Connector/C?
A: Yes, you can. But please notice that MySQL Connector/C is GPL licensed. As result, your code must be GPL licensed as well (or other FLOSS license). Sometimes it's not desirable.
Q: Why MariaCpp is licensed as LGPL?
A: MariaCpp is licensed in the same spirit as MariaDB Connector/C.