A Cafe website I built for one I found on Instagram, just a passion project. Played with the Google Places API, and brushed up fundamentals with UI/UX, and CSS responsiveness. Alt link to site
Note: App depends on the Maujo-api repo to fetch reviews and fonts.
A list of technologies used within the project:
- Cors: Version 2.8.5
- Express: Version 4.18.2
- Node-fetch: Version 3.3.1
- DateRangePickerCalendarCssCdn *DateRangePickerCalendarJSCdn: For the bookings Calendar css and behaviour
- Jquery: Dependency for the DateRangePicker cdn, helps write behaviour.
- MomentJs: Dependency for DateRangePicker, gives timings.
- ChartJs: For the Bar Graphs.
- GoogleMapsPlacesAPI: (Link to GCP, find APIs to play with here.)
- FontAwesome: Version 6.4.0. For Icons.
- Netlify / Surge: For hosting client-side
- Render: for server side api.
(Install live server VS code extension and) Go live on live server.
I had a minor breakdown making google apis work. Trouble was my server wasn't going live, so, no fetching happening. Turned out, I'd needed to host the server separately. Or, now that I think of it, maybe make this an express app.
Thanks to Abhigyan for pointing me to The MERN stack vid from Dave Gray.
- Video tags won't autoplay on load in some browsers
On some browsers* The video tags default to the poster. If you know fixes, I'm ears.