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Cute web framework for Erlang built on top of Cowboy 2


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Cute web framework for Erlang built on top of Cowboy 2.


In rebar.config:

{smoothie, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "master"}}}

Starting up

Starting http server:

  {ranch, [{port, 3000}]},
  {cowboy, [
    {nb_acceptors, 100},
    {protocol, [{compress, true}]}
  {routes, [
    {"/",         {priv_file, my_app, "static/index.html"}},
    {"/js/[...]", {priv_dir, "static/js"}},
    {"/user/:id", {request,   my_api,       get_user}},
    {"/ws",       {websocket, my_websocket, sm_protocol_bert}}

More about configuring Ranch TCP transport and Cowboy protocol: ranch_tcp, cowboy_protocol.

In the above example request and websocket are special route types provided by Smoothie to make handling HTTP requests and WebSockets easier.

More about Cowboy's routing: Routing, Constraints, Static files.

Handling HTTP requests

To handle HTTP request you should specify route for it:

  {routes, [
    {"/user",     {request, my_api, get_all_users}},
    {"/user/:id", {request, my_api, get_user}}

In the above example my_api is module name and get_all_user/get_user are function names.

Example code for my_api module:



-export([get_all_users/1, get_user/1]).

get_all_users(_Req) ->
  Cookie = #sm_cookie{name    = <<"some_cookie">>, 
                      value   = <<"some_value">>, 
                      domain  = <<"">>,
                      path    = <<"/some/path">>,
                      max_age = 3600},

  {ok, #sm_response{status  = 200, 
                    headers = [{<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain">>}], 
                    body    = <<"1, 2, 3">>,
                    cookies = [Cookie]}}.

get_user(Req) ->
  Id = cowboy_req:binding(id, Req),

  {ok, #sm_response{status  = 200, 
                    headers = [{<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain">>}], 
                    body    = Id}}.

More about accessing request's information: cowboy_req.

Handling WebSockets

To handle WebSocket connections you should implement sm_websocket behaviour:



-record(state, {

handle(init, {_, WebSocketState}) ->
  Id = sm:qs_val(id, WebSocketState),
  User = ctail:get(user, Id),
  {ok, #state{user=User}};

handle({stream, {text, <<"get_name">>}}, {State=#state{user=User}, _}) ->
  {reply, User#user.username, State};

handle({stream, {_Format, Data}}, {State, _}) -> 
  io:format("Got new data: ~p~n", [Data]),
  {ok, State};

handle(terminate, _) -> ok;
handle(_, _)         -> ok.

And also you should define route for your handler:

  {routes, [
    {"/ws", {websocket, my_websocket, sm_protocol_relay}}

In the above example third element of the tuple is data encoding/decondig protocol. Smoothie implements following protocols:

  • relay - passes data as is
  • bert - uses BIFs to encode/decode data BERT which is compatible with Erlang's ETF
  • json - uses yaws_json2 to encode/decode data

If you want add your own protocol, you should implement sm_protocol behaviour.

WebSocket File Upload

Smoothie has builtin JavaScript frontend for file uploading through WebSocket.

See example in examples/file_upload.

Working with JSON

Smoothie uses yaws_json2 taked from Yaws webserver to encode/decode JSON.

Use sm:json_enc/1 and sm:json_dec/1 to encode/decode json.

Decode example (encode works in a same way):

  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Smith",
  enabled: true,
  phone_number: 937600131,
  avatar: {
    origin: "default.png",
    thumbnails: [


{struct, [
  {"first_name", "John"},
  {"last_name", "Smith"},
  {"enabled", true},
  {"phone_number", 937600131},
  {"avatar", {struct, [
    {"origin", "default.png"},
    {"thumbnails", {array, [


To use Smoothie in browser include following dependencies:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/sm/erlb.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/sm/smoothie.js"></script>

Now you can esteblish WebSocket connection, send and receive data from server:

var ws = Smoothie.connect({
  protocol: "bert",
  onMessage: function(data) {
    console.log("Got message:", data);

ws.send(Erl.tuple(Erl.atom("ok"), "Hello", 123));

Detailed example of the Smoothie.connect options:

  http: {
    protocol:     "ws://",
    host:         "",
    port:         3000,
    path:         "/ws",
  queryParams:    {token: 987654321},
  heartBeatDelay: 20000,
  protocol:       "relay",

  onOpen:         function() {},
  onMessage:      function(data) {},
  onDisconnect:   function() {},
  onClose:        function() {},

  onBeforeSend:   function(data) {}

When you send or receive data from server, it is encoded/decoded by choosen protocol. Smoothie implements following protocols:

  • relay - passes data as is
  • bert - uses Erlb.js to encode/decode data to BERT which is compatible with Erlang's ETF
  • json - uses JSON to encode/decode data


Cute web framework for Erlang built on top of Cowboy 2







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