This is a program that generates scrambles for the Rubik's Cube where the permutation of the corners (or edges) has a specified parity. The following modes are available:
- Force Odd Parity: This ensures that every scramble will have 3x3 blindfolded solving parity
- Indicate Parity: This will add an indicator next to each scramble indicating whether the scramble has 3x3 blindfolded solving parity or not.
- Force Even Parity: This ensures that every scramble will not have 3x3 blindfolded solving parity
- Corners Only, UFUR swap: Corners will be scrambled, and there is a 50% chance that the UF and UR edges will be swapped (hence ensuring that the scramble has parity)
- Edges Only, URF-UBR swap: Edges will be scrambled, and there is a 50% chance that the UFR and UBR corners will be swapped (hence ensuring that the scramble has parity)
Scrambles are random state.