This is still a Work in Progress
This repo consists of a number of Java code examples and steps to push them to IBM Bluemix
A Java developer has many options when it comes choosing a Web Framework (Springboot, Spring MVC, JSF, Struts etc), an App Server (WebSphere Liberty, Tomcat etc) as well as build tools (Maven, Gradle, Ant). This repo makes it easy for a Java developer, no matter what combination of the three they currently happen to be using, to be able to push their applications to Bluemix.
IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition has a number of enhancements to work better in Virtualized and Containerized environments and is best suited for any Cloud. The examples in this repo indicate how best to use IBM Java when pushing your application to Bluemix.
Each of the demos here support both Maven and Gradle.
The default app server that is used here is Tomcat. We provide instructions on how to use Liberty, Jetty or JBoss as well.
We have Springboot, Spring MVC, JSF and Struts examples in the repo.
The example application (irrespective of the Web Framework) uses Watson Text-to-Speech and Facial Reognition APIs.
We have example scripts to push the application to Bluemix Cloud Foundry as well as IBM Containers on Bluemix.