If you don't have, click here...
npm -v
node -v
you should see some version info in return.
run the command on any directory
npm install -g nodemon apidoc eslint
wait for it to be completed. It usually takes a minute or less to complete. It will download all the dependencies.
3. now go to the directory where you want to place the project files using git bash (terminal for mac)
run the command
git clone URL
here URL is the http url you get from the repository page, Click here to clone. Please note that you need to authenticate to clone this private repository.
run the command
npm install
wait for it to be completed. It usually takes a minute or less to complete. It will download all the dependencies.
You will need to setup a mongodb database by your own.
After setting up the database, go to the line 247 of app.js and replace the CONNECTION_URI with your mongodb Connection URI.
If you dont know your Connection URI please check here.
npm start
node app.js
It will serve the project on default port (3484).
The documentation of the default API set can be found here.
It's good to remember that, ./app.js is the entry point to the app.
run the command
npm run apidoc
It will build the apidoc in the directory ./apidoc.
run the command
npm run eslint
It will show warnings and errors if there is any formatting issue. In case of no formatting issue, it will show nothing.
run the command
npm run dev
It will serve the project. On any file saved, the app will be restarted and linted.