Table of Contents
- Face Recognition App built during Microsoft Engage 2022 program.
- It is a video call and chat application through which one can use to record an attendance of participants via face recognition.
- User authentication using Firebase
- Turn on/off your video or microphone and chat with others during the meeting
- Attendance will be taken automatically using face recognition
To install and run the project on your local system, following are the requirements:
Make sure to install the required dependencies via node package manager
npm install npm@latest -g
To separately run the application on your local host, perform the following steps:
Run the following commands to start the server and the client.
cd server && npm install && npm start
After you visit the main url, you will be automatically taken to the login page as you are not logged in. Enter the login credentials and then click the back button and now will be able to create or join a meeting.
Now, after you click the new meeting button, you will be taken to a new page.
Here you can chat, and communicate with the others
If the participant's face was recognised according to the dataset provided by the host, then you can check it by leaving the meeting, clicking the profile photo at the index page and clicking the "Visit Attendance Portal" button.