This project has been forked from go-playground/mold and customized with additional validation functions. Mold is a package that helps modify, clean, and default struct values.
These functions modify the data in-place.
Name | Description |
default | Sets the provided default value only if the data is equal to it's default datatype value. |
trim | Trims space from the data. |
ltrim | Trims spaces from the left of the data provided in the params. |
rtrim | Trims spaces from the right of the data provided in the params. |
tprefix | Trims a prefix from the value using the provided param value. |
tsuffix | Trims a suffix from the value using the provided param value. |
lcase | lowercases the data. |
ucase | Uppercases the data. |
snake | Snake Cases the data. |
camel | Camel Cases the data. |
title | Title Cases the data. |
ucfirst | Upper cases the first character of the data. |
strip_alpha | Strips all ascii characters from the data. |
strip_num | Strips all ascii numeric characters from the data. |
strip_alpha_unicode | Strips all unicode characters from the data. |
strip_num_unicode | Strips all unicode numeric characters from the data. |
strip_punctuation | Strips all ascii punctuation from the data. |
nil_empty | Sets the value of an empty (defined as the zero value) to nil. |
These functions obfuscate the specified types within the data for pii purposes.
Name | Description |
emails | Scrubs multiple emails from data. |
Scrubs the data from and specifies the sha name of the same name. | |
text | Scrubs the data from and specifies the sha name of the same name. |
name | Scrubs the data from and specifies the sha name of the same name. |
fname | Scrubs the data from and specifies the sha name of the same name. |
lname | Scrubs the data from and specifies the sha name of the same name. |
Use go get.
go get -u
package main
import (
// This example is centered around a form post, but doesn't have to be
// just trying to give a well rounded real life example.
// <form method="POST">
// <input type="text" name="Name" value="joeybloggs"/>
// <input type="text" name="Age" value="3"/>
// <input type="text" name="Gender" value="Male"/>
// <input type="text" name="Address[0].Name" value="26 Here Blvd."/>
// <input type="text" name="Address[0].Phone" value="9(999)999-9999"/>
// <input type="text" name="Address[1].Name" value="26 There Blvd."/>
// <input type="text" name="Address[1].Phone" value="1(111)111-1111"/>
// <input type="text" name="active" value="true"/>
// <input type="submit"/>
// </form>
var (
conform = modifiers.New()
scrub = scrubbers.New()
validate = validator.New()
decoder = form.NewDecoder()
// Address contains address information
type Address struct {
Name string `mod:"trim" validate:"required"`
Phone string `mod:"trim" validate:"required"`
// User contains user information
type User struct {
Name string `mod:"trim" validate:"required" scrub:"name"`
Age uint8 ` validate:"required,gt=0,lt=130"`
Gender string ` validate:"required"`
Email string `mod:"trim" validate:"required,email" scrub:"emails"`
Address []Address ` validate:"required,dive"`
Active bool `form:"active"`
Misc map[string]string `mod:"dive,keys,trim,endkeys,trim"`
func main() {
// this simulates the results of http.Request's ParseForm() function
values := parseForm()
var user User
// must pass a pointer
err := decoder.Decode(&user, values)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Decoded:%+v\n\n", user)
// great not lets conform our values, after all a human input the data
// nobody's perfect
err = conform.Struct(context.Background(), &user)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Conformed:%+v\n\n", user)
// that's better all those extra spaces are gone
// let's validate the data
err = validate.Struct(user)
if err != nil {
// ok now we know our data is good, let's do something with it like:
// save to database
// process request
// etc....
// ok now I'm done working with my data
// let's log or store it somewhere
// oh wait a minute, we have some sensitive PII data
// let's make sure that's de-identified first
err = scrub.Struct(context.Background(), &user)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Scrubbed:%+v\n\n", user)
// this simulates the results of http.Request's ParseForm() function
func parseForm() url.Values {
return url.Values{
"Name": []string{" joeybloggs "},
"Age": []string{"3"},
"Gender": []string{"Male"},
"Email": []string{"[email protected] "},
"Address[0].Name": []string{"26 Here Blvd."},
"Address[0].Phone": []string{"9(999)999-9999"},
"Address[1].Name": []string{"26 There Blvd."},
"Address[1].Phone": []string{"1(111)111-1111"},
"active": []string{"true"},
"Misc[ b4 ]": []string{" b4 "},
If you identity a security vulnerability or concern with this repository, reach out directly to [email protected] immediatley with the details.