Display elapsed time on Jupyter.
On shell.
pip install jupyter-autotime
On Jupyter.
!pip install jupyter-autotime
Enable autotime
%load_ext autotime
# Reload.
%reload_ext autotime
# Disable.
%unload_ext autotime
First, import the module to hack
.import autotime
Customize timespan format.
def my_format_timepan(timespan: float) -> str): """My custom timespan format.""" # e.g. '12 sec' return '{} sec'.format(int(timespan)) autotime.format_timespan = my_format_timepan
Customize time format.
# e.g. '2020/12/10 16:15:11' autotime.TIME_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
Customize output format.
# e.g. '[RUNNING] 3.09 s (2020-12-10T15:58:35)' autotime.RUNNING_FORMAT = '[RUNNING] {timespan} ({start})' # e.g. '[FINISH] 4.02 s (2020-12-10T15:59:54~2020-12-10T15:59:58)' autotime.FINISHED_FORMAT = '[FINISH] {timespan} ({start}~{end})'
Customize units.
# e.g. 5 分 7 秒 autotime.set_units(sec='秒', min='分', hr='時間', d='日')
Customize output with method.
def my_format_output(timespan: float, start_time: time.struct_time, end_time: float = None, is_finished: bool = False): """My Custom output format.""" if is_finished: # e.g. 'Finished. 2.0160000000032596' return 'Finished. {}'.format(timespan) else: # e.g. 'Running... 1.0159999999887077' return 'Running... {}'.format(timespan) autotime.format_output = my_format_output
- You can access below objects on custom
.autotime.UNITS (dict)
autotime.format_time (method)
autotime.TIME_FORMAT (str)
autotime.RUNNING_FORMAT (str)
autotime.FINISHED_FORMAT (str)
- You can access below objects on custom
- Requirements: poetry, pyenv
poetry install
poetry build
poetry publish
pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade jupyter-autotime