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Ross Scroggs edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 25 revisions


API documentation

Query documentation


See Collections of Items

<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<DomainNameList> ::= "<DomainName>(,<DomainName>)*"
<DomainNameEntity> ::=
        <DomainNameList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector>
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<EmailAddressList> ::= "<EmailAddress>(,<EmailAddress>)*"
<EmailAddressEntity> ::= <EmailAddressList> | <FileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVDataSelector>
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>

Create an alias for a target

gam create alias|aliases <EmailAddressEntity> user|group|target <UniqueID>|<EmailAddress>

<EmailAddressEntity> are the aliases, <EmailAddress> is the target.

The verifynotinvitable option causes GAM to verify that the alias email address being created is not that of an unmanaged account; if it is, the command is not performed.


To allow Robert to also receive mail as Bob:

gam create alias bob[] user robert[]

Update an alias to point to a new target

The existing alias is deleted and a new alias is created.

gam update alias|aliases <EmailAddressEntity> user|group|target <UniqueID>|<EmailAddress>
        [notargetverify] [waitafterdelete <Integer>]

<EmailAddressEntity> are the aliases, <EmailAddress> is the target.

By default, GAM makes additional API calls to verify that the target email address exists before updating the alias; if you know that the target exists, you can suppress the verification with `notargetverify.

GAM updates an alias to point to a new target by deleting the alias and then recreates the alias pointing to the new target. Unfortunately, if these commands are executed back-to-back; Google generates the Update Failed: Duplicate error. Now, GAM waits 2 seconds between the delete and the insert which seems to eliminate the problem. If the problem persists, use the option waitafterdelete <Integer> to increase the wait time to a maximum of 10 seconds.

Delete an alias regardless of the target

gam delete alias|aliases [user|group|target] <EmailAddressEntity>

<EmailAddressEntity> are the aliases.

Remove aliases from a specified target

gam remove alias|aliases <EmailAddress> user|group <EmailAddressEntity>

<EmailAddress> is the target, <EmailAddressEntity> are the aliases.

Delete all of a user's aliases

gam <UserTypeEntity> delete aliases

Display aliases

Display a specific alias.

gam info alias|aliases <EmailAddressEntity>

Display selected aliases.

gam print aliases [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        ([domain|domains <DomainNameEntity>] [(query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>)]
         [limittoou <OrgUnitItem>])
        [user|users <EmailAddressList>] [group|groups <EmailAddressList>]
        [select <UserTypeEntity>]
        [aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression>]
        [shownoneditable] [nogroups] [nousers]
        [onerowpertarget] [delimiter <Character>]
        (addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*

By default, group and user aliases in all domains in the account are selected; these options allow selection of subsets of aliases:

  • domain|domains <DomainNameEntity> - Limit aliases to those in the domains specified by <DomainNameEntity>
    • You can predefine this list with the print_agu_domains variable in gam.cfg.
  • (query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>) - Print aliases for users/groups that match a query; each query is run against each domain
  • limittoou <OrgUnitItem> - Print aliases for users in the specified <OrgUnitItem>
  • user|users <EmailAddressList> - Print aliases for users in <EmailAddressList
  • select <UserTypeEntity> - Print aliases for users in <UserTypeEntity>
  • group|groups <EmailAddressList> - Print aliases for groups in <EmailAddressList
  • aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression> - Print aliases that match a pattern
  • nogroups - Print only user aliases
  • nousers - Print only group aliases

By default, the CSV output has three columns: Alias,Target,TargetType; if a target has multiple aliases, there will be multiple rows, one per alias.

Use shownoneditable to list non-editable alias email addresses; these are typically outside of the account's primary domain or subdomains. This adds the column NonEditableAlias.

Specifying onerowpertarget changes the three columns to: Target,TargetType,Aliases; all aliases for the target are listed in the Aliases column. If shownoneditable is specified, there will be a fourth column NonEditableAliases with a list of non-editable aliases.

By default, the aliases in a list are separated by the csv_output_field_delimiter' from gam.cfg`.

  • delimiter <Character> - Separate aliases in a list with <Character>

Specifying both onerowpertarget and suppressnoaliasrows causes GAM to not display any targets that have no aliases.

Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output

  • addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>

When multiple domains are specified and a query/queries are specified, an API call is made for each domain/query combination.

$ gam print aliases domains, queries "'email:admin*','email:test*'"
Getting all Users that match query (, query="email:admin*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 3 Users: [email protected] - [email protected]
Getting all Users that match query (, query="email:test*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 20 Users: [email protected] - [email protected]
Getting all Users that match query (, query="email:admin*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 1 User: [email protected] - [email protected]
Getting all Users that match query (, query="email:test*"), may take some time on a large Google Workspace Account...
Got 1 User: [email protected] - [email protected]

Bulk delete aliases

You can bulk delete aliases as follows; use (query <QueryUser>)|(queries <QueryUserList>) and aliasmatchpattern <RegularExpression> as desired.

gam redirect csv ./OldDomainAliases.csv print aliases aliasmatchpattern ".*" onerowpertarget suppressnoaliasrows
gam redirect stdout ./DeleteAliases.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout csv ./OldDomainAliases.csv gam remove aliases "~Target" "~TargetType" "~Aliases"

Bulk reassign aliases

You can bulk reassign aliases as follows. Make a CSV file ReassignAliases.csv with two columns: OldTarget,NewTarget. From this CSV file, all of the aliases for the users in the OldTarget column will be listed with an additional column showing the NewTarget.

gam redirect stdout ./GetAliases.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout redirect csv ./ReassignAliases.csv gam print aliases user "~OldTarget" addcsvdata NewTarget "~NewTarget"

If an OldTarget's aliases are to be reassigned to more than the one NewTarget, edit ReassignAliases.csv and make changes as required.

gam redirect stdout ./ReassignAliases.txt multiprocess redirect stderr stdout csv ReassignAliases.csv gam update alias "~Alias" user "~NewTarget"

Determine if an address is a user, user alias, group or group alias

gam whatis <EmailItem> [noinfo] [noinvitablecheck]

The first line of output is: <TypeOfEmailItem>: <EmailItem>

There is additional output based on <TypeOfEmailItem>:

  • User - gam info user <EmailItem>
  • Group - gam info group <EmailItem>
  • User Alias - gam info alias <EmailItem>
  • Group Alias - gam info alias <EmailItem>
  • User Invitation - gam info userinvitation <EmailItem>

The noinfo argument suppresses the additional output.

The noinvitablecheck argument suppresses the user invitation check to avoid exceeding quota limits when checking a large number of addresses.

The return code is set based on <TypeOfEmailItem>:

  • User - 20
  • User Alias - 21
  • Group - 22
  • Group Alias - 23
  • User Invitation - 24
  • Unknown - 59

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Notes and Information


Command Processing


Client Access

Special Service Account Access

Service Account Access

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