A web crawler, sometimes called a spider-bot and often shortened to crawler, is a bot that systematically browses the internet, typically for the purpose of Web indexing. These internet bots can be used by search engines to improve the quality of search results for users. Asides indexing the world wide web, crawling can also be used to gather data and this is known as web scraping.
This repository contains code for a web crawler that scrapes a website and stores the data in a database. This crawler bot performs both operations using Node workers.
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies - npm install
- Navigate into the src directory and run the main thread -
yarn start
This project was built with the following:
- Node: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine (v12.14.1).
- Axios: A promised based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
- Cheerio: A lightweight implementation of jQuery which gives us access to the DOM on the server.
- Firebase database: A cloud-hosted NoSQL database.