Greenlight is a movies API for storing and accessing information about movies. The project comes from the book Let's Go Further by Alex Edwards.
Method | URL | Action |
GET | /v1/healthcheck | Check if the API is available |
GET | /v1/movies | Get list of movies |
POST | /v1/movies | Create new movie |
GET | /v1/movies/:id | Get movie from ID |
PATCH | /v1/movies/:id | Update movie from ID |
DELETE | /v1/movies/:id | Delete movie from ID |
POST | /v1/users | Create new user |
PUT | /v1/users/activated | Activate user |
POST | /v1/tokens/authentication | Create authentication token for use |
- CRUD methods
- SQL migrations
- Filtering, sorting, and pagination
- Authentication
- Create user
- Email verification
- Token authentication
- Partial updates
- Security
- Hashed passwords
- Rate limiter
- Graceful shutdown
- Metrics