Example notebooks for Jupyter platform
After logging in at jupyterhub... now the UI of jupyterlab welcomes us. The Launcher Tab shows the available notebook formats, etc.
The left-bar makes accessible
- the filesystem tree,
- the kernel and terminal management,
- the git version controlling,
- the command list,
- the list of open tabs.
The Logout is available from the Hub menu.
...(or starting your own jupyter-notebook) the browser window shows 3 tabs:
Files | Running | IPython Clusters |
- Files shows the home directory with a [New>] button in the right-top corner.
- Running shows the active notebooks and terminals.
- IPython Clusters shows the started nodes for parallel computations.
Clicking on the [New>] button one can
- create a new Python or Julia (or ...?) notebook,
- open a new terminal window on the server,
- create a simple text file (the syntax highlight scheme can be also chosen at the Language menu),
- make a new folder in the filesystem.