a4-final-project-group-6-1 created by GitHub Classroom
A web application to help students sync their files from IVLE to any cloud service of their choice in 3 clicks.
Matriculation Number: A0093960X
Role: Designed database schema Wrote APIs for frontend to connect with using Django Wrote initial prototype syncing from IVLE to Dropbox Wrote backend code to sync from IVLE to Dropbox, Box and OneDrive Setup nginx, gunicorn, nodejs server on Google Cloud Setup Celery and redis for repeated tasks Report writing Setup HTTPS with Lets Encrypt for *.nuscloud.com
Matriculation Number: A0141128R
Role: Validation Marketing User feedback and customer contact UI workflow Gdrive feature Database schema nginx, gunicorn scripts Https Report writing
Matriculation Number: A0144896M
Role: Website design (userview, header) Website responsive design API AJAX calls from backend, IVLE, and cloud services UI/UX user testing Google analytics Customer services Marketing (putting posters in several faculties, nuswhispers, and some targeted users) Report writing
Matriculation Number: A0158673R
Role: Logo design Website design (home, about, contact, faq pages, footer) Auto email system for the contact form Final poster for steps Posters for marketing Final project promotional video Some api calls on frontend Get domain name Report writing