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Leaflet Panel Layers

npm version

Leaflet Control Layers extended with support groups and icons

Copyright Stefano Cudini

Tested in Leaflet 0.7.x, 1.4.x


DEMO with some of the new features No demo currently available on a public site. Comming soon.

Source code:


Use Cases:




Option Default Description
compact false panel height minor of map height
compactOffset 0 the distance from the bottom of the map that the panal will not expand into
collapsed false panel collapsed at startup
autoZIndex true set zindex layer by order definition
collapsibleGroups false groups of layers is collapsible by button
collapsiblePanel true panel can be of collapsed by button
groupCheckboxes true check box to select and deselect all items in a group
buildItem null function that return row item html node(or html string)
title '' title of panel
className '' additional class name for panel
position 'topright' position of control
tooltip '' Setes the string that will be showen in a tooltip for the layer when you hover over the name


Event Data Description
'panel:selected' {layerDef} fired after moved and show markerLocation
'panel:unselected' {} fired after control was expanded


Method Arguments Description
addBaseLayer() layerDef,group,collapsed add new layer item definition to panel as baselayers
addOverlay() 'Text message' add new layer item definition to panel as overlay
removeLayer() 'Text searched' remove layer item from panel
configToControlLayers() 'Text searched' convert config from Control.PanelLayers to Control.Layers
expandGroup() group expand a group in a panel
collapseGroup() group collapse a group in a panel


Panel Item Definition formats

		name: "Bar",
		icon: iconByName('bar'),
		layer: L.geoJson(Bar, {pointToLayer: featureToMarker })
		layer: {
			type: "geoJson",
			args: [ river ]
		group: "Title Group",
		collapsed: true,
		layers: [
		...other items...

Multiple active layers with icons and tooltips

var baseLayers = [
		active: true,
		name: "OpenStreetMap",
		layer: L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png')
var overLayers = [
		name: "Drinking Water",
		icon: '<i class="icon icon-water"></i>',
		tooltip: "This Shows where you can find drinking water.",
		layer: L.geoJson(WaterGeoJSON)
		active: true,
		name: "Parking",
		tooltip: "Avalibale parking",
		icon: '<i class="icon icon-parking"></i>',
		layer: L.geoJson(ParkingGeoJSON)
map.addControl( new L.Control.PanelLayers(baseLayers, overLayers) );

Build panel layers from pure JSON Config

var panelJsonConfig = {
    "baselayers": [
            "active": true,
            "name": "Open Cycle Map",
            "layer": {
                "type": "tileLayer",
                "args": [
            "name": "Landscape",
            "layer": {
                "type": "tileLayer",
                "args": [
            "name": "Transports",
            "layer": {
                "type": "tileLayer",
                "args": [
    "overlayers": [
            "name": "Terrain",
            "layer": {
            "type": "tileLayer",
            "args": [
                "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
                "opacity": 0.5
L.control.panelLayers(panelJsonConfig.baseLayers, panelJsonConfig.overLayers).addTo(map);

Grouping of layers

			name: "Open Street Map",
			layer: osmLayer
			group: "Walking layers",
			layers: [
					name: "Open Cycle Map",
					layer: L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png')
					name: "Hiking",
					layer: L.tileLayer("{z}/{x}/{y}.png")
			group: "Road layers",
			layers: [
					name: "Transports",
					layer: L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png")
	{collapsibleGroups: true}

Collapse some layers' groups

		name: "Open Street Map",
		layer: osmLayer
		group: "Walking layers",
		layers: [
				name: "Open Cycle Map",
				layer: L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png')
				name: "Hiking",
				layer: L.tileLayer("{z}/{x}/{y}.png")
		group: "Road layers",
		collapsed: true,
		layers: [
				name: "Transports",
				layer: L.tileLayer("http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png")

Add layers dynamically at runtime

var panel = L.control.panelLayers();

$.getJSON('some/url/path.geojson', function(data){
		name: "Drinking Water",
		icon: '<i class="icon icon-water"></i>',
		layer: L.geoJson(data)

the interface is:

panel.addOverlay(layer, name, group, colapsed);

If you want the group you are adding to to be colapsed after adding the layer then colapsed must be 'true' the deafult is for it to expand the group.

Using bootstrap glyphicons

To use bootstrap glyphicons make sure that you include leaflet-panal-layers-glyphicons.css AFTER bootstrap. You can then define an icon like with '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"></i>'


This plugin support Grunt for building process. Therefore the deployment require NPM installed in your system. After you've made sure to have npm working, run this in command line:

npm install


Leaflet Control Layers extended with support groups and icons







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  • JavaScript 67.5%
  • CSS 23.6%
  • HTML 8.9%