A minimalist PHP library that implements DDP client, the realtime protocol for Meteor framework.
Suppose you have declared a remote function foo
in your meteor server code :
foo : function (arg) {
check(arg, Number);
if (arg == 1) { return 42; }
return "You suck";
Then in your php client's code, you could just invoke foo
by executing :
use synchrotalk\MeteorDDP\DDPClient;
$client = new DDPClient('localhost', 3000);
$client->call("foo", array(1));
while(($a = $client->getResult("foo")) === null) {};
echo 'Result = ' . $a . PHP_EOL;
Result = 42
More use cases can be found in the examples folder.
This library is available via composer, the dependency manager for PHP. Please add this in your composer.json :
"require" : {
"synchrotalk/meteor-ddp-php": "0.1.0"
and update composer to automatically retrieve the package :
php composer.phar update