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Many optimization to NN, expecialy ConvLayer and PoolLayer
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- NN Layers are no longer mutable and are fully parametric
- forward/backward passages can now be done on eltypes different than Float64, for example all the computation chanin can be made in Float32
- on many layers _zComp!(y,layer,x) replaces _zComp(layer,x), for convolutions also for de_dx and de_dw
  • Loading branch information
sylvaticus committed Jan 17, 2024
1 parent 4e7c9ce commit 98eb947
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,444 additions and 734 deletions.
1,633 changes: 1,082 additions & 551 deletions docs/Manifest.toml

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
BenchmarkTools = "6e4b80f9-dd63-53aa-95a3-0cdb28fa8baf"
BetaML = "024491cd-cc6b-443e-8034-08ea7eb7db2b"
CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
Clustering = "aaaa29a8-35af-508c-8bc3-b662a17a0fe5"
DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0"
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167 changes: 104 additions & 63 deletions docs/src/tutorials/Image recognition/Image_recognition.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# ## Library and data loading
using Dates #src
println(now(), " ", "*** Start iris clustering tutorial..." ) #src
println(now(), " ", "*** Start image recognition tutorial..." ) #src

# Activating the local environment specific to BetaML documentation
using Pkg
Expand All @@ -11,88 +11,63 @@ using Random
using DelimitedFiles
using Statistics
using BenchmarkTools
using Plots
using Flux
using Flux: Data.DataLoader
using Flux: onehotbatch, onecold, crossentropy
using Flux: @epochs
using MLDatasets # For loading the training data
#using Images, FileIO, ImageTransformations # For loading the actual images

TESTRNG = FIXEDRNG # This could change...

x_train, y_train = MLDatasets.MNIST.traindata()
x_train, y_train = MLDatasets.MNIST(split=:train)[:]
x_train = permutedims(x_train,(3,2,1))
x_train = convert(Array{Float32,3},x_train)
x_train = convert(Array{Float64,3},x_train)
x_train = reshape(x_train,size(x_train,1),size(x_train,2)*size(x_train,3))
ohm = OneHotEncoder()
y_train_oh = fit!(ohm,y_train)

x_test, y_test = MLDatasets.MNIST.testdata()
x_test, y_test = MLDatasets.MNIST(split=:test)[:]
x_test = permutedims(x_test,(3,2,1))
x_test = convert(Array{Float32,3},x_test)
x_test = convert(Array{Float64,3},x_test)
x_test = reshape(x_test,size(x_test,1),size(x_test,2)*size(x_test,3))
y_test_oh = predict(ohm,y_test)

(N,D) = size(x_train)
l1 = ReshaperLayer((D,1),(28,28,1))
l2 = ConvLayer((28,28),(5,5),1,8,padding=2,stride=2,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l3 = ConvLayer(size(l2)[2],(3,3),16,padding=2,stride=2,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l4 = ConvLayer(size(l3)[2],(3,3),32,padding=1,stride=2,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l5 = ConvLayer(size(l4)[2],(3,3),32,padding=1,stride=2,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l6 = PoolingLayer(size(l5)[2],(2,2),f=mean)
l7 = ReshaperLayer(size(l6)[2])
l8 = DenseLayer(size(l7)[2][1],10,f=BetaML.relu, rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l9 = VectorFunctionLayer(size(l8)[2][1],f=BetaML.softmax)
layers = [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9]
m = NeuralNetworkEstimator(layers=layers,loss=squared_cost,verbosity=NONE,batch_size=64,epochs=1)
(x_debug,x_other),(y_debug_oh,y_other_oh) = partition([x_train,y_train_oh],[0.005,0.995])
ŷ = fit!(m,x_debug,y_debug_oh)

(N,D) = size(x_train)
l1 = ReshaperLayer((D,1),(28,28,1))
l2 = ConvLayer(size(l1)[2],(5,5),8,stride=2,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l3 = PoolingLayer(size(l2)[2],(2,2))
l4 = ConvLayer(size(l3)[2],(3,3),16,stride=2,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l5 = PoolingLayer(size(l4)[2],(2,2))
l6 = ReshaperLayer(size(l5)[2])
l7 = DenseLayer(size(l6)[2][1],10,f=BetaML.relu, rng=copy(TESTRNG))
l8 = VectorFunctionLayer(size(l7)[2][1],f=BetaML.softmax)
layers = [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8]
m = NeuralNetworkEstimator(layers=layers,loss=squared_cost,verbosity=HIGH,batch_size=64,epochs=5)

(N,D) = size(x_train)

# Building the model:

## 784x1 => 28x28x1
l1 = ReshaperLayer((D,1),(28,28,1))
## 28x28x1 => 14x14x8
l2 = ConvLayer(size(l1)[2],(5,5),8,stride=2,f=relu,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
## 14x14x8 => 7x7x16
l3 = ConvLayer(size(l2)[2],(3,3),16,stride=2,f=relu,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
## 7x7x16 => 4x4x32
l4 = ConvLayer(size(l3)[2],(3,3),32,stride=2,f=relu,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
## 4x4x32 => 2x2x32
l5 = ConvLayer(size(l4)[2],(3,3),32,stride=2,f=relu,rng=copy(TESTRNG))
## 2x2x32 => 1x1x32 (global per layer mean)
l6 = PoolingLayer(size(l5)[2],(2,2),stride=(2,2),f=mean)
## 1x1x32 => 32x1
l7 = ReshaperLayer(size(l6)[2])
## 32x1 => 10x1
l8 = DenseLayer(size(l7)[2][1],10,f=identity, rng=copy(TESTRNG))
## 10x1 => 10x1
l9 = VectorFunctionLayer(size(l8)[2][1],f=BetaML.softmax)
layers = [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9]
m = NeuralNetworkEstimator(layers=layers,loss=squared_cost,verbosity=HIGH,batch_size=128,epochs=4)

# We train the model only on a subset of the training data, otherwise it is too long for the automated building of this page.
# Training the whole MINST set takes approximatly 16 minutes on a mid-level laptop (on CPU), leading to a test accuracy of 0.969
(x_debug,x_other),(y_debug_oh,y_other_oh) = partition([x_train,y_train_oh],[0.01,0.99],rng=copy(TESTRNG))

= fit!(m,x_debug,y_debug_oh)

y_true = inverse_predict(ohm,convert(Matrix{Bool},y_debug_oh))
## ŷ = fit!(m,x_train,y_train_oh)

##y_true = inverse_predict(ohm,convert(Matrix{Bool},y_train_oh))
# y_true = inverse_predict(ohm,convert(Matrix{Bool},y_debug_oh))
ŷ_nonoh = inverse_predict(ohm,ŷ)
Expand All @@ -106,3 +81,69 @@ hcat(ytest_true,ŷtest_nonoh)
cm = ConfusionMatrix()

res = info(cm)

heatmap(string.(res["categories"]),string.(res["categories"]),res["normalised_scores"],seriescolor=cgrad([:white,:blue]),xlabel="Predicted",ylabel="Actual", title="Confusion Matrix (normalised scores)")

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# ## Flux implementation
# This is the equivalent workflow in Flux.
# Fitting on the whole training dataset lead to a test accuracy of 0.9658, so likely not statistically different than BetaML, but with still a much faster comutation time, as it takes only 2 minutes instead of 16...

x_train, y_train = MLDatasets.MNIST(split=:train)[:]
x_train = permutedims(x_train,(2,1,3)); # For correct img axis
#x_train = convert(Array{Float32,3},x_train);
x_train = reshape(x_train,(28,28,1,60000));
y_train = Flux.onehotbatch(y_train, 0:9)
train_data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((x_train, y_train), batchsize=128)
#x_test, y_test = MLDatasets.MNIST.testdata(dir = "data/MNIST")
x_test, y_test = MLDatasets.MNIST(split=:test)[:]
x_test = permutedims(x_test,(2,1,3)); # For correct img axis
#x_test = convert(Array{Float32,3},x_test);
x_test = reshape(x_test,(28,28,1,10000));
y_test = Flux.onehotbatch(y_test, 0:9)

model = Chain(
## 28x28 => 14x14
Conv((5, 5), 1=>8, pad=2, stride=2, Flux.relu),
## 14x14 => 7x7
Conv((3, 3), 8=>16, pad=1, stride=2, Flux.relu),
## 7x7 => 4x4
Conv((3, 3), 16=>32, pad=1, stride=2, Flux.relu),
## 4x4 => 2x2
Conv((3, 3), 32=>32, pad=1, stride=2, Flux.relu),
## Average pooling on each width x height feature map
Dense(32, 10),

myaccuracy(y,ŷ) = (mean(Flux.onecold(ŷ) .== Flux.onecold(y)))
myloss(x, y) = Flux.crossentropy(model(x), y)

opt = Flux.ADAM()
ps = Flux.params(model)
number_epochs = 4

[(println(e); Flux.train!(myloss, ps, train_data, opt)) for e in 1:number_epochs]

ŷtrain = model(x_train)
ŷtest = model(x_test)


cm = ConfusionMatrix()
fit!(cm,Flux.onecold(y_test) .-1, Flux.onecold(ŷtest) .-1 )

res = info(cm)
heatmap(string.(res["categories"]),string.(res["categories"]),res["normalised_scores"],seriescolor=cgrad([:white,:blue]),xlabel="Predicted",ylabel="Actual", title="Confusion Matrix (normalised scores)")

12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/Nn/Nn.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,11 +85,15 @@ Structure representing the learnable parameters of a layer or its gradient.
The learnable parameters of a layers are given in the form of a N-tuple of Array{Float64,N2} where N2 can change (e.g. we can have a layer with the first parameter being a matrix, and the second one being a scalar).
We wrap the tuple on its own structure a bit for some efficiency gain, but above all to define standard mathematic operations on the gradients without doing "type piracy" with respect to Base tuples.
mutable struct Learnable
mutable struct Learnable{ET}
#data::Union{Tuple{Vararg{Array{Float64,N} where N}},Vector{Tuple{Vararg{Array{Float64,N} where N}}}}
data::Tuple{Vararg{Array{Float64,N} where N}}
data::Tuple{Vararg{Array{ET,N} where N}}
function Learnable(data)
return new(data)
if data == ()
return new{Float64}(data)
return new{eltype(eltype(data))}(data)
function +(items::Learnable...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,7 +358,7 @@ function predict(nn::NN,x)
lastlayer_size = size(nn.layers[end])[2]
length(lastlayer_size) == 1 || error("The last NN layer should always be a single dimension vector. Eventually use `ReshaperLayer` to reshape its output as a vector.")
d = lastlayer_size[1]
out = zeros(n,d)
out = zeros(eltype(x),n,d)
for i in 1:size(x)[1]
values = selectdim(x,1,i) # x[i,:]
for l in nn.layers
Expand Down

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