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sylvainhalle committed Feb 21, 2016
1 parent b8004f2 commit df079ae
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 182 deletions.
197 changes: 15 additions & 182 deletions Source/paper.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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\section{Introduction} %% {{{

Fault localization.
M\ae{}cenas sodales ex in risus convallis elementum. Pr\ae{}sent at sem fermentum, egestas dolor non, ultrices elit. Cras at justo sit amet dolor lobortis blandit. Phasellus sodales erat eget tellus facilisis tristique. Nulla purus velit, hendrerit in cursus ut, euismod vit\ae{} odio. Morbi nec metus quis augue interdum ullamcorper ac at nisi. Nullam vit\ae{} imperdiet mauris. Nullam a ligula felis. Etiam at erat blandit nibh interdum posuere id at mi. Ut vit\ae{} ornare leo. Morbi vestibulum mauris id tellus volutpat, eget feugiat lorem maximus.

While lot of work has been done on reporting the presence of an error, much less has been done on localizing the fault, i.e.\ identifying artifacts providing a meaningful explanation for the occurrence of the fault.

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%% Witnesses
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\section{Applications} %% {{{

\subsection{Configuration Management}


\subsection{Web Applications}
Donec maximus dui quis velit placerat auctor. Fusce vel tincidunt mi, vel porta eros. Fusce egestas purus sit amet ex hendrerit, at commodo justo rutrum. Nam interdum pharetra commodo. Duis ligula turpis, ultrices at posuere ac, posuere pretium eros. Ut vehicula sagittis quam eu luctus. Morbi lectus tortor, fermentum eu ultricies non, scelerisque et tortor. Mauris blandit gravida metus, sit amet consequat tortor finibus vel. Vivamus in sollicitudin nibh, eget maximus lorem. Mauris arcu leo, aliquet nec fringilla sed, auctor sit amet nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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%% Witnesses
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\section{Defining Witnesses} %% {{{

Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a set of \emph{domain elements}, with a special element $\sz \in \mathcal{D}$ we shall name the \emph{empty} element. Let $\Tau$ be a set of transformations; each transformation $\tau$ is an endomorphism over $\mathcal{D}$, i.e.\ a function $\tau : \mathcal{D} \rightarrow \mathcal{D}$.

Transformations can be composed in the usual way, i.e.\ $\tau \circ \tau'$ is the endomorphism $\tau''$ such that $\tau''(d) = \tau(\tau'(d))$ for every $d \in \mathcal{D}$. We further expect this composition to be associative and commutative. Then, given a set of transformations $T \subseteq \Tau$, we will note as $\bigcirc T$ the composition of every transformation in $T$; that is, if $T = \{\tau_1, \dots, \tau_n\}$, then $\bigcirc T = \tau_1 \circ \dots \circ \tau_n$. Since we suppose that composition is commutative, the resulting transformation is well defined. Set inclusion induces a partial ordering over sets of transformations.

Let $\Phi$ be a set of \emph{language expressions} equipped with a satisfaction relation $\models : \mathcal{D} \times \Phi \rightarrow \{\top,\bot,?\}$. For an expression $\varphi \in \Phi$ and a domain structure $d \in \mathcal{D}$, we will abuse notation and write $d \models \varphi$ if and only if $\models(d,\varphi) = \top$.

Let $d \in \mathcal{D}$ be a structure such that $d \not\models \varphi$ for some expression $\varphi \in \Phi$. A \emph{witness} is defined as a set of transformations $T \subseteq \Tau$ such that:
\item $\bigcirc T(d) \models \varphi$
\item For every $T' \in \Tau$, either $\bigcirc T'(d) \not\models \varphi$ or $T \subseteq T'$.

Intuitively, a witness is a set of ``changes'' to a domain element $d$ that make it satisfy $\varphi$, such that no ``smaller'' change restores satisfiability. Since $\subseteq$ is a partial order, there may be multiple, mutually uncomparable witnesses.

\subsection{Propositional Logic}

As a first example, let $\Phi$ be the set of propositional logic formul\ae{} with at most $n$ variables $x_1, \dots, x_n$ for some $n \geq 1$. Let $\mathcal{D}$ be the set of functions $\{\top,\bot\}^n \rightarrow \{\top,\bot\}$, which we shall call \emph{valuations}. The satisfaction relation $\models$ is defined as $\models(d, \varphi) = \top$ if $\varphi$ evaluates to true when its variables are replaced by the corresponding truth value specified by $d$, and $\bot$ otherwise.

Let $b \in \{\top,\bot\}$ and $i \in [1,n]$. We will note $\tau_{x_i,b}$ to denote the transformation $\tau_{x_i,b} : d \mapsto d[x_i/b]$. This transformation sets $x_i$ to $b$ and leaves the rest of the input valuation unchanged. The set of transformations $\Tau$ is then defined as:
\Tau \triangleq \{\tau_{b,x_i} : i \in [1,n]\mbox{ and }b \in \{\top,\bot\}\}

Let $d$ be the valuation $\{a \mapsto \top, b \mapsto \bot, c \mapsto \bot\}$ and $\varphi$ the propositional formula $a \wedge b$. One can easily observe that $d \not\models \varphi$. A witness is the set of transformations $T= \{\tau_{b,\top}\}$. This corresponds to the intuition that the explanation for the falsehood of $\varphi$ is that $b$ is false while it should be true. Note that although $T'=\{\tau_{b,\top}, \tau_{c,\top}\}$ would also make $\varphi$ true, it does not count as a witness, since $T \subseteq T'$. This corresponds to the intuition that the truth value of $c$ is not relevant to the falsehood of $\varphi$.

Let $d$ be the valuation $\{a \mapsto \top,b \mapsto \bot,c \mapsto\bot\}$ and $\varphi$ the propositional formula $a \rightarrow b$. This time, two witnesses exist: $T= \{\tau_{b,\top}\}$ and $T' = \{\tau_{a,\bot}\}$. It is possible to check that both fix the truth value of the original valuation. Informally, the first witness accounts the falsehood of $\varphi$ on the fact that $a$ is true, while the other one rather explains it by the fact that $b$ is false ---which indeed corresponds to the intuition. Since both witnesses are uncomparable, none of these explanations is ``preferred''.

\todosylvain{Faire un lien entre ceci et le incremental SAT}

\subsection{First-Order Logic}

The concept of witness can easily be lifted to the set $\Phi$ of first-order logic formul\ae{} on finite domains. Let $A$ be a set of elements; an $n$-ary predicate is defined as a function $p : A^n \rightarrow \{\top,\bot\}$; let $P^i$ be the set of predicates of arity $i$. A signature is a set of predicates $\{p_1, \dots, p_m\}$, respectively of arity $a_1, \dots, a_m$. For a given signature, the set of domain elements is defined as:
\mathcal{D} \triangleq P^{a_1} \times \dots \times P^{a_m}

The satisfaction relation $\models$ is defined as $\models(d, \varphi) = \top$ if $\varphi$ evaluates to true when evaluating predicates as defined in $d$, and $\bot$ otherwise.

In this context, a transformation will represent the change in the truth value for one input of one predicate. Let $p_k$ be a predicate of arity $i$, $(a_1, \dots, a_k) \in A^n$ be a $k$-tuple of elements of $A$, and $b \in \{\top,\bot\}$. The transformation $\tau_{p_k,(a_1,\dots,a_k),b}$ is defined as the predicate $p_k'$ such that:
p_k'(x_1,\dots,x_k) =
b & \mbox{if $x_1 = a_1$, \dots, $x_n = a_n$}\\
p_k(x_1,\dots,x_k) & \mbox{otherwise}

The set of transformations for $p_k$, noted $T_{p_k}$, is defined as:
T_{p_k} \triangleq \bigcup_{(a_1,\dots,a_k)\in A^n} \left(\bigcup_{b \in \{\top,\bot\}} \{\tau_{p_k,(a_1,\dots,a_k),b}\}\right)
\section{Donec id eros non nisl pharetra} %% {{{

The global set of transformations is then:
\mathcal{T} \triangleq \bigcup_{i \in [1,m]} T_{p_i}

Let $A = \{0,1,2\}$, $\varphi$ be the first-order formula $\forall x : \exists y : p(x,y)$, and the binary predicate $p$ defined as $\{(0,0), (0,1), (1,1)\}$. There are three witnesses for restoring the truth of $\varphi$: $T_1=\{\tau_{p,(2,0),\top}\}$, $T_2=\{\tau_{p,(2,1),\top}\}$, $T_3=\{\tau_{p,(2,2),\top}\}$.m

Let $A = [1,5]$ be a set of graph vertices, $p$ a binary predicate encoding the adjacency relationship ofn graph edges, and $q_1$,$q_2$,$q_3$ a set of unary predicates such that $q_i(x)$ holds if and only if vertex $x$ has color $i$. Predicates $p$ and $q$ are defined according to the graphical representation shown in Figure \ref{fig:graph-original}.
In hendrerit commodo urna sit amet egestas. Phasellus ut faucibus diam. Etiam quis hendrerit augue. Nam vel arcu at massa iaculis ullamcorper. Sed in malesuada enim, ac rutrum augue \cite{Lenat83a}. Donec efficitur egestas massa in varius. Etiam at nibh commodo, iaculis massa nec, rutrum sem. Mauris imperdiet massa eu nibh fermentum, ac ultricies metus sollicitudin. Donec vel dolor non turpis efficitur rhoncus. M\ae{}cenas et augue congue elit viverra sagittis quis in magna. Vestibulum tempus tellus in efficitur viverra. Morbi vestibulum posuere tortor, vit\ae{} eleifend dolor iaculis id. Vestibulum ornare gravida tortor vel fermentum. Cras vulputate facilisis dui, non porttitor arcu blandit vel.

\subfloat[Original graph]{\includegraphics[width=1.5in]{fig/graph-coloring-1}\label{fig:graph-original}}
\subfloat[After applying $T_1$]{\includegraphics[width=1.5in]{fig/graph-coloring-t1}\label{fig:graph-t1}}
\subfloat[After applying $T_3$]{\includegraphics[width=1.5in]{fig/graph-coloring-t3}\label{fig:graph-t3}}
\subfloat[After applying $T_4$]{\includegraphics[width=1.5in]{fig/graph-coloring-t4}\label{fig:graph-t4}}
\subfloat[After applying $T_5$]{\includegraphics[width=1.5in]{fig/graph-coloring-t5}\label{fig:graph-t5}}
\caption{Encoding of a graph}
\caption{A square and a circle}

Let $\varphi_1$ be the following first-order formula:
\varphi_1 \triangleq \forall x : (q_1(x) \rightarrow \neg(q_2(x) \vee q_3(x))) \wedge (q_2(x) \rightarrow \neg(q_1(x) \vee q_3(x))) \wedge \\
(q_3(x) \rightarrow \neg(q_1(x) \vee q_2(x)))
\varphi_2 \triangleq \forall x : q_1(x) \vee q_2(x) \vee q_3(x)
\varphi_3 \triangleq \forall x : \forall y : p(x,y) \rightarrow\\
((q_1(x) \rightarrow \neg q_1(y)) \wedge (q_2(x) \rightarrow \neg q_2(y)) \wedge (q_3(x) \rightarrow \neg q_3(y)))
\varphi_4 \triangleq \forall x : \forall y : p(x,y) \rightarrow p(y,x)
Intuitively, $\varphi_1$ stipulates that each vertex can be of at most one colour, $\varphi_2$ imposes that each vertex be of at least one colour, and $\varphi_3$ expresses the fact that two adjacent vertices cannot be of the same colour. Finally, $\varphi_4$ ensures that the connectivity is symmetric.

One can see that the original graph does not satisfy $\varphi_1 \wedge \varphi_2 \wedge \varphi_3$. There are multiple witnesses, a few of which are shown here:
T_1 = \{\tau_{q_1,5,\bot},\tau_{q_2,5,\top}\}
T_2 = \{\tau_{q_1,5,\bot},\tau_{q_3,5,\top}\}
T_3 = \{\tau_{p,(4,5),\bot},\tau_{p,(5,4),\bot}\}
T_4 = \{\tau_{q_1,1,\bot},\tau_{q_3,1,\top},\tau_{q_1,4,\bot},\tau_{q_3,4,\top}\}
T_5 = \{\tau_{p,(2,4),\bot},\tau_{p,(4,2),\bot},\tau_{q_1,4,\bot},\tau_{q_3,4,\top}\}
% Yellow = 1
% Red = 2
% Green = 3

Witness $T_1$ fixes the graph by changing the colour of vertex 5 to red; similarly, $T_2$ changes it to green. Witness $T_3$ rather alters the adjacency relation and cuts vertex 5 from the graph, so that the colour conflict is resolved.

These correspond to the ``intuitive'' ways of fixing the graph colouring. However, there exist multiple other witnesses that fulfill the definition. For example, witness $T_4$ rather exchanges the colours of vertices 1, 2 and 4. Note that this is indeed a witness, in that no subset of these transformations restore satisfiability of the original formula.

In the same way, $T_5$ cuts the edge between vertices 2 and 4, and turns 4 to green.

Again, it should be noted that without additional context, none of these witnesses is a more likely explanation to the falsehood of $\varphi_1 \wedge \varphi_2 \wedge \varphi_3$ on the original graph.

\todosylvain{Ménage dans les noms symboles}

\subsection{Temporal Logic}

Let $\Sigma$ be an alphabet of atomic symbols, and $\Sigma^*$ the set of finite traces made from symbols of $\Sigma$.

Define the ordering relation

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\section{Computing Witnesses} %% {{{

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\section{Conclusion} %% {{{

It works.

In maximus ante at metus vulputate congue. Sed eleifend ultrices tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pr\ae{}sent quis rutrum elit. Nunc auctor nibh non sem consequat gravida. Nulla non dapibus metus. Cras viverra tempor nibh sit amet malesuada. Etiam non ante purus. M\ae{}cenas eleifend ultricies orci, ut fermentum erat suscipit elementum. Sed est libero, laoreet vel sodales ac, consectetur sed enim. Quisque hendrerit ac erat vit\ae{} posuere. Sed eros sapien, luctus ut justo lacinia, vestibulum sagittis lorem. Mauris porta dapibus dui, eu iaculis dolor faucibus id.

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Expand All @@ -247,13 +79,14 @@ \section{Conclusion} %% {{{
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